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Vision 2025 and the Bible translation movement




Complex questions have arisen about how Christian mission agencies function within a globalised context. The changing context has impacted on how the missio Dei has been worked out within these agencies and this has had implications of a theological and missiological nature in particular as to how the agencies have interacted with the church worldwide. This has lead to new paradigms of how mission is conceptualised. The growth of the church worldwide in newer soil has forced mission agencies such as the Wycliffe Global Alliance (WGA) to re-evaluate their place in the world. It has been assumed that as resources have decreased from parts of the world where the WGA has had its traditional roots, there are missiological factors in determining how this impacts on the WGA. There are many missiological implications for the WGA that come from influences in church history on the importance of the translatability of the gospel especially in the context of Bible translation. These have impacted the WGA's understanding of itself and in particular of how it has interpreted and reinterpreted its Vision 2025. When the missio Dei converges with outcomes of globalisation there are numerous implications for an agency such as the WGA. Consequently, the article concludes that none of these matters can be ignored. Instead they must be explored and lessons learnt from them that can be passed along to others in similar situations.
机译:在全球化的背景下,基督教特派团如何运作的复杂问题已经出现。不断变化的背景影响了Missio Dei如何在这些机构内工作,这对神学和致命性质的影响尤其有何影响,特别是各国机构如何与全世界教会互动。这导致特派团如何概念化的新范式。全世界教会在较新的土地上的增长已经强迫宣称的宣称机构,如Wycliffe全球联盟(WGA),以重新评估他们在世界上的地方。假设随着WGA拥有其传统根源的世界各地的资源减少,在确定这种对WGA的影响时存在导师因素。对于教会历史的影响,有许多对WGA的杀手效应尤其在圣经翻译的背景下的福音的译力性的重要性。这些已经影响了WGA对自身的理解,特别是如何解释和重新解释其愿景2025.当Missio Dei融合全球化结果时,对WGA等机构有很多影响。因此,文章的结论是,这些事项都不可以忽略。相反,他们必须被探索和从他们中吸取的经验教训,这可以通过类似情况的其他人传递给他人。




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