首页> 外文期刊>Sustainable Agriculture Research >Evaluation of Biorational Insecticides as Stand-alone Treatments for the Management of the Pigweed Flea Beetle, Disonycha glabrata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in Organic Production of Amaranthus spp.

Evaluation of Biorational Insecticides as Stand-alone Treatments for the Management of the Pigweed Flea Beetle, Disonycha glabrata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in Organic Production of Amaranthus spp.

机译:评估生物杀虫剂作为用于管理仔猪果皮甲虫的独立治疗,屠杀果蝇(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae),在Amaranthus SPP的有机生产中。



The pigweed flea beetle, Disonycha glabrata, is the most damaging insect pest on Amaranthus spp. in the Piedmont zone of North Carolina (NC), United States. It is capable of causing severe yield loss on amaranth greens if uncontrolled. Field experiments were conducted over two growing seasons (Summer 2017 and 2018) in Greensboro, NC, to evaluate OMRI-approved biorational insecticides against D. glabrata in organic amaranth production. Insecticides evaluated included Azatin? O (azadiractin), Ecotec? (oils: rosemary, peppermint and geraniol), Entrust? (spinosad) and PyGanic? (pyrethrins) as stand-alone threshold-driven treatments applied at recommended label rates. Insecticide treatment action threshold (AT) was 2 (on a scale of 5) representing 20-40% leaf damage. The efficacy of the insecticides against D. glabrata population differed significantly within the amaranth varieties in comparison to their respective controls: treatments with Entrust? and PyGanic? on Green Callaloo and Red Leaf recorded 80% reduction in beetle population while Ecotec? gave only a 15% beetle reduction. The Azatin? O treatments recorded the highest D. glabrata population, sometimes greater than the control. Marketable fresh leaf yield from both Green Callaloo and Red Leaf amaranth was highest in the Entrust? and PyGanic? treatments. Hopi Red-Dye and Molten Fire amaranths showed some resistance to beetle damage; they are also intrinsically low yielding. These findings provide information that would make organic amaranth production possible with only limited and safe insecticide input using OMRI-approved insecticides in a threshold-driven manner, an important step towards the sustainable management of D. glabrata and amaranth production.
机译:鸽子肉甲虫,吟呦诗人,是苋菜SPP上最具破坏性害虫的害虫。在北卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳州(NC)的皮埃蒙特区。如果不受控制,它能够在苋菜上造成严重的屈服损失。现场实验是在NC格林斯博罗的两种生长季节(2017和2018年夏季)进行,以评估OMRI批准的对抗D.Glabrata的生物杀虫剂。评估的杀虫剂包括氮素吗? O(Azadiractin),Ecotec? (油:迷迭香,薄荷和大竺葵),委托? (Spinosad)和Pyganic? (Pyrethrins)作为在推荐标签速率下应用的独立阈值驱动的处理。杀虫剂处理作用阈值(AT)为2(按5)的2-40%叶片损伤。与各自的对照组相比,杀虫剂对D.Glabrata群体的疗效在苋菜品种中有显着不同:委托治疗?和糖性?在绿色的CallaLoo和红叶,在Ecotec的同时甲虫人口减少了80%?减少了15%的甲虫。含氮素? o治疗记录了最高的D.Glabrata人口,有时比控制更大。来自绿色CallaLoo和红叶苋菜的可营销新鲜叶片产量在委托中最高?和糖性?治疗。 Hopi Red-Dye和Metton Fire Amanths对甲虫造成的抵抗力造成一些抗性;它们也是内在的屈服。这些调查结果提供了可以使有机苋菜产生的信息,只有使用OMRI批准的杀虫剂以阈值驱动的方式进入有限和安全的杀虫剂,这是朝着D.Glabrata和苋菜生产的可持续管理的重要一步。




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