首页> 外文期刊>Risk Management and Healthcare Policy >Guaranteeing the Health Rights of People with Disabilities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from China

Guaranteeing the Health Rights of People with Disabilities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from China




The question of how to guarantee the health rights of people with disabilities, and their health equity in particular, is frequently neglected in infectious disease pandemics. The international response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is no exception in this regard. This neglect is related to other forms of marginalization and exclusion, as people with disabilities are generally poorer and more vulnerable than their non-disabled counterparts. Sustainable Development Goal 3 lacks an appropriate human rights language that enshrines equality and inclusivity in pandemic prevention work and related policies and legislation; and, as a result, it does not sufficiently guarantee the health rights of people with disabilities. This paper draws on China's pandemic prevention work to extract relevant lessons, and seeks to explain how decision-making systems and resource allocation mechanisms impact on the health rights of people with disabilities. It discusses the unique roles of justice and legislation in helping to guarantee the health rights of people with disabilities in an infectious disease pandemic, and concludes that future research should more closely consider how Sustainable Development Goal 16 can support Sustainable Development Goal 3.? 2020 Qi and Wang.
机译:如何保障残疾人卫生权利以及特别是卫生股权的问题,在传染病流行病中经常被忽视。对正在进行的Covid-19大流行的国际回应在这方面没有例外。这种疏忽与其他形式的边缘化和排斥有关,因为残疾人普遍较差,而且比他们的非残疾同行更易受伤害。可持续发展目标3缺乏适当的人权语言,以便在大流行预防工作和相关政策和立法中融入平等和包容性;因此,它不充分保证残疾人的卫生权利。本文借鉴了中国的大流行预防努力,以提取相关课程,并寻求解释决策系统和资源分配机制如何影响残疾人的卫生权利。它讨论了司法和立法在有助于保障传染病大流行中残疾人卫生权利的独特作用,并得出结论,未来的研究应更加接近可持续发展目标16如何支持可持续发展目标3.? 2020 qi和王。




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