首页> 外文期刊>MMWR. Recommendations and reports : >Essential Components of a Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention, Control, and Elimination Program: Recommendations of the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association

Essential Components of a Public Health Tuberculosis Prevention, Control, and Elimination Program: Recommendations of the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association




This report provides an introduction and reference tool for tuberculosis (TB) controllers regarding the essential components of a public health program to prevent, control, and eliminate TB. The Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association recommendations in this report update those previously published (Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis. Essential components of a tuberculosis prevention and control program. Recommendations of the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis. MMWR Recomm Rep 1995;44[No. RR-11]). The report has been written collaboratively on the basis of experience and expert opinion on approaches to organizing programs engaged in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and surveillance for TB at state and local levels. This report reemphasizes the importance of well-established priority strategies for TB prevention and control: identification of and completion of treatment for persons with active TB disease; finding and screening persons who have had contact with TB patients; and screening, testing, and treatment of other selected persons and populations at high risk for latent TB infection (LTBI) and subsequent active TB disease. Health departments are responsible for public safety and population health. To meet their responsibilities, TB control programs should institute or ensure completion of numerous responsibilities and activities described in this report: preparing and maintaining an overall plan and policy for TB control; maintaining a surveillance system; collecting and analyzing data; participating in program evaluation and research; prioritizing TB control efforts; ensuring access to recommended laboratory and radiology tests; identifying, managing, and treating contacts and other persons at high risk for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection; managing persons who have TB disease or who are being evaluated for TB disease; providing TB training and education; and collaborating in the coordination of patient care and other TB control activities. Descriptions of CDC-funded resources, tests for evaluation of persons with TB or LTBI, and treatment regimens for LTBI are provided (Supplementary Appendices; ).
机译:本报告为结核病(TB)控制器提供了关于公共卫生计划的基本组成部分的介绍和参考工具,以防止,控制和消除结核病。消除结核病和国家结核病控制器协会的咨询委员会在本报告中更新以前公布的那些(消除结核病咨询委员会的咨询委员会。结核病预防和控制计划的基本组成部分。咨询委员会消除咨询委员会的建议结核病。MMWR推荐REP 1995; 44 [NO。RR-11])。该报告是根据经验和专家意见的合作编写的关于组织从事诊断,治疗,预防和监督在州和地方层面的结核病的方案的方法。本报告重新确定了结核病预防和控制的既定优先级策略的重要性:鉴定和完成有活性结核病疾病的治疗;寻找和筛选已与TB患者接触的人;在潜伏的TB感染(LTBI)和随后的活性TB疾病的高风险下对其他选定人和群体的筛选,测试和治疗。卫生部门负责公共安全和人口健康。为满足其责任,结核病控制计划应研究或确保完成本报告中描述的众多责任和活动:准备和维护TB控制的整体计划和政策;保持监测系统;收集和分析数据;参与计划评估和研究;优先考虑TB控制努力;确保访问推荐的实验室和放射学测试;以高风险识别,管理和治疗联系人结核病感染的危险;治疗具有结核病或正在评估TB疾病的人;提供TB培训和教育;并协同协调患者护理和其他TB控制活动。 CDC资助资源的描述,提供了对TB或LTBI的人进行评估的测试,以及LTBI的治疗方案(补充附录)。




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