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Almost Interior Gamma-ideals and Fuzzy Almost Interior Gamma-ideals in Gamma-semigroups

机译:几乎内部伽玛 - 理想和模糊几乎内部伽玛 - 半群的理想



Ideal theory plays an important role in studying in many algebraic structures, for example, rings, semigroups, semirings, etc. The algebraic structure Г-semigroup is a generalization of the classical semigroup. Many results in semigroups were extended to results in Г-semigroups. Many results in ideal theory of Г-semigroups were widely investigated. In this paper, we first focus to study some novel ideals of Г-semigroups. In Section 2, we define almost interior Г-ideals and weakly almost interior Г-ideals of Г-semigroups by using the concept ideas of interior Г-ideals and almost Г-ideals of Г-semigroups. Every almost interior Г-ideal of a Г-semigroup S is clearly a weakly almost interior Г-ideal of S but the converse is not true in general. The notions of both almost interior Г-ideals and weakly almost interior Г-ideals of Г-semigroups are generalizations of the notion of interior Г-ideal of a Г-semigroup S. We investigate basic properties of both almost interior Г-ideals and weakly almost interior Г-ideals of Г-semigroups. The notion of fuzzy sets was introduced by Zadeh in 1965. Fuzzy set is an extension of the classical notion of sets. Fuzzy sets are somewhat like sets whose elements have degrees of membership. In the remainder of this paper, we focus on studying some novelties of fuzzy ideals in Г-semigroups. In Section 3, we introduce fuzzy almost interior Г-ideals and fuzzy weakly almost interior Г-ideals of Г-semigroups. We investigate their properties. Finally, we give some relationship between almost interior Г-ideals [weakly almost interior Г-ideals] and fuzzy almost interior Г-ideals [fuzzy weakly almost interior Г-ideals] of Г-semigroups.
机译:理想的理论在许多代数结构中起着重要作用,例如环,半群,半群等。代数结构 - 半群是古典半群的概括。半群中的许多结果延伸到结果在г-半群中。广泛调查了许多结果在Г半群的理想理论。在本文中,我们首先专注于研究一些Г-半群的新颖理想。在第2节中,我们通过使用内部Г-理想的概念思想和近乎Г-emigroups的概念来定义几乎内部的内部Г-理想和弱几乎内部的Г-半群体的理想。每一个几乎内部的内部 - Г-semigoup s的理想显然是一个弱几乎内部的内部 - 理想的速度,但匡威一般来说是真的。几乎内部Г-理想和弱几乎内部的截图的截图的概念是Г-半群的概念是Г-emigroupS的内部概念的概念。我们调查了几乎内部Г-理想和弱的基本性质几乎内部的Г-半群的理想。 1965年通过Zadeh引入了模糊集的概念。模糊集是集体概念的延伸。模糊集有点像众多,其元素具有成员程度。在本文的剩余部分中,我们专注于研究Г-半群的一些模糊理想的新奇饼。在第3节中,我们介绍了模糊的几乎内部 - 理想,模糊弱几乎内部的Г-半群的理想。我们调查他们的财产。最后,我们在几乎内部的Г-理想[弱几乎内部 - 理想]和模糊几乎内部 - 理想[模糊弱几乎内部Г-理想]之间的一些关系。




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