首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering and Technology >High Speed Carry Select Adder for ALU Blocks

High Speed Carry Select Adder for ALU Blocks




The regular SQRT CSLA consists of two RCA blocks with carry input as 0 and 1.The Final sum will be selected from multiplexers (Mux) by the carry out generated by the pervious block. This paper, proposes an area and delay efficient carry select adder with logical reduction of excess redundant hardware. In the proposed architecture, we had implemented the RCA with carry input as 1, only with Mux, Or gate and And gate. For 16-bit regular SQRT CSLA there is a reduction of basic logic gates from 434 to 323.The delay is reduced by replacing Full-adder with half-adder in first bit of every RCA in the proposed architecture. This will reduces the number of Iterations required to get the final sum. The proposed architecture shows that there is reduction of area and delay. Based on this architecture, we designed 4-bit,8-bit,16-bit and 32-bit Square-root CSLA (SQRT CSLA) and compared with the regular SQRT CSLA. In this work, we evaluated the performance of the proposed design in 90-?m CMOS Technology in Cadence Tools. The result analysis shows that, the proposed SQRT CSLA of 4-bit, 8-bit 16-bit and 32-bit has a reduction of 31.74%, 30.13%, 21.92% and 21.76 % respectively compared with regular SQRT CSLA in area. The delay of Proposed SQRT CSLA of 4-bit,8-bit 16-bit and 32-bit are reduce by 27.47%, 17.23%, 14.32% and 11.63% respectively.
机译:常规SQRT CSLA由带有输入的两个RCA块组成,携带输入为0和1.最终总和将由透水块产生的执行从多路复用器(MUX)中选择。本文提出了一个区域和延迟有效的携带选择加法器,具有多余的冗余硬件的逻辑降低。在拟议的架构中,我们已经实现了RCA,只需使用umx或门和门。对于16位常规SQRT CSLA,从434到323减少了基本逻辑门。通过在所提出的架构中的每个RCA中的第一位用半加法器替换全加法器,减少了延迟。这将减少获得最终金额所需的迭代次数。拟议的架构表明,降低了面积和延迟。基于此架构,我们设计了4位,8位,16位和32位方形根CSLA(SQRT CSLA),并与常规SQRT CSLA进行比较。在这项工作中,我们在Cadence工具中评估了在90-?M CMOS技术中提出的设计的性能。结果分析表明,与面积常规SQRT CSLA相比,4位,8位16位和32位的所提出的4位,8位16位和32位的SQRT CSLA分别降低了31.74%,30.13%,21.92%和21.76%。所提出的4位,8位16位和32位的SQRT CSLA的延迟分别减少27.47%,17.23%,14.32%和11.63%。




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