首页> 外文期刊>Animal Studies Journal >[Review] Natalie Porter and Ilana Gershon, editors. Living with Animals: Bonds across Species. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018. 266 pp.

[Review] Natalie Porter and Ilana Gershon, editors. Living with Animals: Bonds across Species. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018. 266 pp.

机译:[评论] Natalie Porter和Ilana Gershon,编辑。与动物一起生活:跨越物种的债券。伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,2018年.266 PP。



[Review] Natalie Porter and Ilana Gershon, editors. Living with Animals: Bonds across Species. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018. 266 pp. Living with Animals, as the dust jacket avers, ‘is a collection of imagined animal guides – a playful look at different human-animal relationships’. The collection has an international range from dogs in Australia, to sacrificial cattle in Madagascar, chimpanzees in West Africa, tamed hyenas in Harar, and returning birds in Buenos Aires. At the same time the reader learns more about animals in processes and places we might take for granted – training service dogs, marketing rescue dogs, introducing a gorilla into a zoo troop – or prefer to deny – dealing with pigs in a factory farm, artificially inseminating cows and horses, responding to mice and ferrets in laboratories.
机译:[评论] Natalie Porter和Ilana Gershon,编辑。与动物一起生活:跨越物种的债券。伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,2018年出版社.266 PP。与动物一起生活,作为灰尘夹克Avers,'是想象的动物指南的集合 - 俏皮看看不同的人类关系'。该系列拥有澳大利亚狗的国际范围,在马达加斯加,西非的黑猩猩,在哈拉尔驯化的鬣狗,以及在布宜诺斯艾利斯返回鸟类。与此同时,读者更多地了解过程中的动物和地方,我们可能需要理所当然的培训服务犬,营销救援犬,将大猩猩引入动物园队伍 - 或者更喜欢否认工厂农场的猪在实验室中享受小鼠和雪貂的锻炼奶牛和马。




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