首页> 外文期刊>Coatings >Leaf Extract of Dillenia indica as a Source of Selenium Nanoparticles with Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Potential toward Vector Mosquitoes and Pathogenic Microbes

Leaf Extract of Dillenia indica as a Source of Selenium Nanoparticles with Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Potential toward Vector Mosquitoes and Pathogenic Microbes

机译:Dillenia indica的叶子提取物作为硒纳米粒子的来源,幼稚和抗菌潜力向verforms蚊子和致病微生物



Chikungunya, dengue, Zika, malaria, Japanese encephalitis, filariasis, West Nile, etc. are mosquito transmitted diseases that have killed millions of people worldwide, and millions of people are at risk of these diseases. Control of the mosquitoes, such as Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus, is challenging due to their development of resistance to synthetic insecticides. The habitats of the young mosquitoes are also the habitats for foodborne pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC96) and Serratia marcescens (MTCC4822). The present study was aimed at synthesizing eco-friendly green nanoparticles using Dillenia indica leaf broth and analyzing its efficacy in controlling the vector mosquitoes A. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus, as well as the microbial pathogens St. aureus and Se. marcescens. The formation of selenium nanoparticles (SeNps) was confirmed using UV-Vis spectroscopy (absorption peak at 383.00 nm), Fourier transform infrared radiation (FTIR spectrum peaks at 3177, 2114, 1614, 1502, 1340, 1097, 901, 705, and 508 cm?1), X-ray diffraction (diffraction peaks at 23.3 (100), 29.6 (101), 43.5 (012), and 50.05 (201)), and scanning electron microscopy (oval shaped). The size of the nanoparticles and their stability were analyzed using dynamic light scattering (Z-Average value of 248.0 nm) and zeta potential (?13.2 mV). The SeNps disorganized the epithelial layers and have broken the peritrophic membrane. Histopathological changes were also observed in the midgut and caeca regions of the SeNPs treated A. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus larvae. The SeNps were also active on both the bacterial species showing strong inhibitory zones. The present results will explain the ability of SeNps in controlling the mosquitoes as well as the bacteria and will contribute to the development of multi potent eco-friendly compounds.
机译:Chikungunya,登革热,Zika,疟疾,日本脑炎,丝虫病,西尼罗铁等是蚊虫传播的疾病,这些疾病造成全球数百万人,数百万人面临这些疾病的风险。由于他们对合成杀虫剂的抗性的发展,对蚊子的控制是挑战性挑战。年轻的蚊子的栖息地也是含有金黄色葡萄球菌(MTCC96)和Serratia Marcescens(MTCC4822)等食物中丧葬病原体的栖息地。本研究旨在使用狄内尼亚籼叶汤合成环保绿色纳米粒子,分析其在控制蚊虫A.Aegypti和C. Quinquefasciatus的疗效以及微生物病原体St. aureus和Se。马氏体。使用UV-Vis光谱(383.00nm处的吸收峰),傅里叶变换红外辐射(3177,2114,1614,1502,1340,1097,901,705和508,确认硒纳米粒子(SENP)的形成。 CMα1),X射线衍射(23.3(100),29.6(101),43.5(012)和50.05(201))和扫描电子显微镜(椭圆形)的衍射峰值。使用动态光散射(Z平均值为248.0nm)和Zeta电位(α13.2mV)来分析纳米颗粒的尺寸及其稳定性。塞皮斯丧失上皮层并破裂了脱脂膜。在森塞治疗的AEGYPTI和C. Quinquefasciatus幼虫中,还观察到组织病理学变化。森塞也活跃于显示强抑制区的细菌种类。目前的结果将解释森塞在控制蚊子以及细菌方面的能力,并将有助于开发多功能环保化合物。




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