首页> 外文期刊>Biocontrol Science >Effects of Solution pH and Ions on Suicidal Germination of?Bacillus subtilis?Spores Induced by Medium High Temperature-Medium High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment.

Effects of Solution pH and Ions on Suicidal Germination of?Bacillus subtilis?Spores Induced by Medium High Temperature-Medium High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment.




Spores of Bacillus subtilis suspended in water or aqueous solution of NaCl, CaCl_(2), sodium lactate, or calcium lactate at pH 4 - 7 was subjected to spore inactivation by simultaneous combination of medium high hydrostatic pressure (MHHP; 100 MPa) treatment for germination and medium high temperature (MHT; 65°C) treatment for pasteurization of germinated vegetative cells. The spores at pH 4 in NaCl solution and those at pH 5 and 6 in Na lactate solutions were less killed than in water by MHHP+MHT treatment. Spore inactivation was promoted by calcium ion in NaCl solution at pH 4 and in Na lactate solutions at pH 5 and pH 6, while it was more suppressed at pH 5 and pH 6 in Na lactate solutions than at pH 4 in NaCl solution. The spores treated by MHHP+MHT in NaCl or Na lactate solution at pH 4 were further killed by subsequent MHT treatment.
机译:悬浮在水溶液或水溶液中的枯草芽孢杆菌,CaCl_(2),乳酸钠或pH4-7的乳酸钙,通过同时进行中高静压压力(MHHP; 100MPa)处理来孢子灭活发芽和中高温(MHT; 65℃)治疗发芽营养细胞的巴氏杀菌。通过MHHP + MHT处理,NaCl溶液中的pH 4的孢子和Na乳酸溶液中的pH 5和6的那些较少杀死。在pH 4和pH5和pH6的NaCl溶液中通过NaCl溶液中的钙离子促进孢子灭活,而在pH 5和pH 5中在Na乳酸溶液中的pH6更抑制,而不是NaCl溶液中的pH 4。通过随后的MHT处理进一步杀死由MHHP + MHT在pH4的NaCl或Na乳酸盐溶液处理的孢子。




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