首页> 外文期刊>Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology >Detection of serious adverse drug reactions using diagnostic codes in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

Detection of serious adverse drug reactions using diagnostic codes in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems




Canadian hospitals are legally required to report serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This study aimed to assess the ability to detect serious ADRs from diagnostic codes and the potential benefit of adding stand-alone diagnostic codes to the regular process for detecting serious ADRs. In this descriptive study, clinical pharmacists and a reference work on drug-induced diseases allowed to identify diagnostic codes in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Canada (ICD-10 CA), reflecting clinical manifestations related to an ADR. Records for admissions to a large urban mother–child hospital in the fiscal year 2018–2019, as coded by medical archivists, were analysed. Of 69 ICD-10-CA diagnostic codes reflecting an ADR identified, 38 were included in the detailed analysis of patient records and 18 (which appeared in 130 admissions) deemed to indicate a serious ADR. Among the 130 admissions analysed, 70 serious ADRs were identified, of which 52 were previously detected by the regular process and 18 were not, increasing the detection of serious ADRs by 34.6% (18/52). These 18 serious ADRs were newly identified from 11 of the 18 codes reflecting clinical manifestation of a serious ADR. Adding ICD-10-CA diagnostic codes not associated with external cause codes can increase the capacity to detect serious ADRs in hospitals. Over a 12-month period, the use of 11 such diagnostic codes increased the detection capacity for serious ADRs by 34.6%.
机译:加拿大医院的法律要求报告严重的不良药物反应(ADRS)。本研究旨在评估从诊断代码中检测严重ADR的能力以及将独立诊断码添加到常规过程中,以检测严重ADR的常规过程。在这项描述性研究中,临床药剂师和药物诱导疾病的参考工作允许识别疾病和相关健康问题的国际统计分类中的诊断代码,加拿大第10次修订(ICD-10 CA),反映与之相关的临床表现ADR。分析了2018 - 2019财政年度大型城市母儿医院的入学记录,被医学档案论坛编码。在69个ICD-10-CA诊断码中反映了鉴定的ADR,38的详细分析涉及患者记录和18(出现在130名入院)中认为是一个严重的ADR。在分析的130个录取中,确定了70个严重的ADR,其中预先通过常规过程检测到52,18岁,不增加严重的ADR的检测为34.6%(18/52)。这18个严重的ADR是从反映严重ADR的临床表现的18个代码中的11个严重的ADR。添加与外部原因代码无关的ICD-10-CA诊断代码可以增加检测医院中严重ADR的能力。超过12个月的时间,使用11个这样的诊断代码将严重ADR的检测能力增加34.6%。



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