首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pregnancy >Is Unfavourable Cervix prior to Labor Induction Risk for Adverse Obstetrical Outcome in Time of Universal Ripening Agents Usage? Single Center Retrospective Observational Study

Is Unfavourable Cervix prior to Labor Induction Risk for Adverse Obstetrical Outcome in Time of Universal Ripening Agents Usage? Single Center Retrospective Observational Study




Cervical assessment on the Bishop scale prior to induction of labor (IOL) is one of the strongest prognostic criteria in relation to the success of the procedure. The commonly used preinduction methods are mainly aimed at reducing the percentage of cesarean sections. Our study has analyzed obstetric results of patients who had unripe cervix (Bishop score 7) before IOL and used preinduction (Foley catheter or misoprostol vaginal insert releasing 7 mcg of misoprostol per hour for 24 hours) with obstetric results of patients in whom, due to favourable cervix, only a low-dose infusion of oxytocin was used. We reviewed the medical records of 1010 single pregnancies in whom IOL was performed. We divided the patients into two groups: group A (where preinduction was used) and group B (Bishop score ≥7 points) where preinduction was not used. Patients in group A were more likely to complete the delivery by caesarean section (OR=4.58, 95% CI 3.22-6.51), and more likely to have events that were indications for operative delivery: unreassuring fetal heart rate trace (OR=3.29, 95% CI 2.07-5.23) and arrested labor or failed induction (OR=3.4, 95% CI 2.06-5.62). The groups did not differ in the percentage of vacuum extraction, postpartum haemorrhage, and meconium stained amniotic fluid. In group B, more infants were born with umbilical cord blood pH 7.1 (1.38% vs. 0%), both groups included no deliveries of newborns with Apgar score ≤3 points, the groups did not differ in terms of the percentage of newborns with Apgar score between 4 and 7 at birth (OR=0.66, 95% CI 0.29-1.49). The immature cervix and the need to use labor preinduction is a risk factor for caesarean section. The necessity of preinduction does not impair neonatological results.
机译:在诱导劳动力(IOL)之前对主教评估的宫颈评估是与程序成功的最强预后标准之一。常用的预防方法主要旨在降低剖宫产的百分比。我们的研究分析了在IOL和使用预防(Foley导管或米索前列醇阴道插入释放7mc米前列蛋白每小时24小时)的患者之前进行了未成熟的子宫颈(Bishop得分<7)的患者的产科结果,其患者的产科结果到期对于有利的子宫颈,仅使用低剂量输注催产素。我们审查了IOL的1010个单身怀孕的病历。我们将患者划分为两组:A组(其中使用预先引导)和B组(主教得分≥7分)未使用预防。 A组患者更有可能通过凯撒部分(或= 4.58,95%CI 3.22-6.51)完成递送,并且更有可能具有术语递送的迹象:诱导胎儿心率痕迹(或= 3.29, 95%CI 2.07-5.23)和被捕的劳动力或失败的诱导(或= 3.4,95%CI 2.06-5.62)。该组在真空提取,产后出血和染色型羊水的百分比下没有差异。在B组中,更多的婴儿出生在脐带血pH <7.1(1.38%与0%)中,两组包括奥普尔评分≤3点的新生儿,这些组在新生儿百分比方面没有差异在出生时(或= 0.66,95%CI 0.29-1.49),APGAR评分在4到7之间。未成熟的子宫颈和使用劳动预防的需要是剖腹产的危险因素。预防的必要性不会损害新生儿结果。



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