首页> 外文期刊>Drugs - Real World Outcomes >Effectiveness of Amlodipine on Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients in India: A Real-World, Retrospective Study from Electronic Medical Records

Effectiveness of Amlodipine on Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients in India: A Real-World, Retrospective Study from Electronic Medical Records




BackgroundThe effectiveness of amlodipine has been reported in clinical trials in India. However, real-world data on the effectiveness of amlodipine in India is limited.ObjectiveTo provide real-world evidence regarding the effectiveness of amlodipine as monotherapy or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) in Indian patients with essential hypertension.MethodsElectronic medical record data of adult patients who were diagnosed with essential hypertension (≥?140/90?mmHg) and were prescribed amlodipine as monotherapy or add-on therapy were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were classified based on the number of AHD classes prescribed on initiation of amlodipine. Change in systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure from baseline was the primary endpoint. Evaluation of proportion of patients who achieved treatment goals as per 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension guidelines was the secondary endpoint. Readings were obtained before initiating amlodipine and after at least a month of therapy with amlodipine.ResultsAmong the 462 included patients, the majority (90.7%) were on amlodipine monotherapy or amlodipine?+?1AHD. Mean (95% confidence interval [CI]) change in the amlodipine monotherapy group was: SBP (??12.1 [??14.9, ??9.3] mmHg) and DBP (??7.5 [??8.9, ??6.1] mmHg) and mean (95% CI) change in the amlodipine?+?1AHD group was: SBP (??17.8 [??21.0, ??14.6] mmHg) and DBP (??9.5 [??11.0, ??8.0] mmHg) ( P ?0.001 for all). SBP and DBP goals were achieved by 31.4% and 42.9% of patients on amlodipine monotherapy and by 38.9% and 51.8% of patients on amlodipine?+?1AHD, respectively. Among patients aged?≤?45?years, mean (95% CI) change in the amlodipine monotherapy group was: SBP (??11.7 [??16.0, ??7.4] mmHg; P ?0.001) and DBP (??7.2 [??9.7, ??4.7] mmHg; P ?0.001) and mean (95% CI) change in the amlodipine?+?1AHD group was: SBP (??14.6 [??21.9, ??7.3] mmHg; P ?0.05) and DBP (??10.6 [??14.8, ??6.4] mmHg; P ?0.01). SBP and DBP goals were achieved by 35.4% and 33.8% of patients on amlodipine monotherapy and by 48.0% and 56.0% of patients on amlodipine?+?1AHD, respectively. Among patients aged?≥?65?years, mean (95% CI) change in the amlodipine monotherapy group was: SBP (??13.9 [??20.2, ??7.6] mmHg; P ?0.01) and DBP (??8.5 [??11.4, ??5.7] mmHg; P ?0.001) and mean (95% CI) change in the amlodipine?+?1AHD group was: SBP (??22.4 [????28.8, ??16.0] mmHg; P ?0.001) and DBP (??10.8 [??14.0, ??7.6] mmHg; P ?0.001). SBP and DBP goals were achieved by 25.5% and 13.7% of patients on amlodipine monotherapy and by 29.8% and 14.0% of patients on amlodipine?+?1AHD.ConclusionAmlodipine prescribed as monotherapy or add-on therapy during routine clinical practice significantly reduced BP in?≤?45- and?≥?65-year-old Indian patients with mild to moderate hypertension, emphasizing that amlodipine may be a good candidate for BP control in Indian patients with essential hypertension in these age groups.
机译:背景技术在印度的临床试验中据报道了氨氯地平的有效性。然而,关于印度氨氯地平的有效性的现实世界数据是有限的。粮食物品可提供关于氨氯地平作为单药治疗的有效性的现实世界证据,或者与印度患者在必需的高血压患者中与其他抗高血压药物(AHDS)组合。方法诊断患有原发性高血压的成年患者(≥140/90?mmHg),并在疗法分析单疗法或附加治疗时被规定的氨氯地平。患者根据氨氯地平启动的AHD类别的数量进行分类。基线的收缩压(SBP)和舒张压(DBP)血压的变化是主要终点。根据2018年欧洲心脏病学会/欧洲高血压指南社会的患者比例评估达到治疗目标的患者是次要终点。在发起氨氯地平之前的读数和用氨氯地平的至少一个月治疗后获得。结果462名患者,大多数(90.7%)均在氨氯地平单药治疗或氨氯菊酯α+ + + 1AHD。氨氯地平单药治疗组的平均值(95%置信区间[CI])变化是:SBP(?? 12.1 [ - Δ14.9,mHg)和dbp(?7.5 ['8.9,'6.1] mmhg )氨氯地平的平均值(95%CI)变化?+ +?1AHD组是:SBP(?? 17.8 [21.0,?? 14.6] mmHg)和DBP(?? 9.5 [11.0] mmhg)(P <0.001全部)。 SBP和DBP目标通过31.4%和42.9%的氨氯地平单药治疗患者和38.9%和51.8%的氨氯地平患者的患者达到了31.4%和42.9%。在患者中≤≤45?年,氨氯地平单药治疗组的平均值(95%CI)变化是:SBP(?? 11.7 [?? 16.0,?? 7.4] mmHg; P <0.001)和DBP(?? 7.2 [?? 9.7,?? 4.7] mmHg; p <0.001)和平均值(95%ci)变化在氨氯地平?+α+ 1Ahd组是:SBP(?? 14.6 [ - 21.9,?? 7.3] mmHg ; P <0.05)和DBP(?? 10.6 [?? 14.8,?? 6.4] mmHg; P <0.01)。 SBP和DBP目标是通过35.4%和33.8%的氨氯地平单药治疗患者的患者,分别达到48.0%和56.0%,分别为氨氯地平的患者+?1AHD。 ≥1岁的患者≥1岁,氨氯地平单药治疗组的平均值(95%CI)变化是:SBP(?? 13.9 [20.2,?? 7.6] mmHg; p <0.1)和dbp(?? 8.5 [?? 11.4,?? 5.7] mmhg; p <0.001)和氨氯地平的平均值(95%ci)变化?+α+?1ahd组是:sbp(?? 22.4 [???? 28.8,16.0 ] mmhg; p <0.001)和dbp(?? 10.8 [Δ?14.0,Δ7.6] mmhg; p <0.001)。 SBP和DBP目标是通过25.5%和13.7%的氨氯地平单药治疗患者的患者,达到29.8%和14.0%的氨氯地平患者α+?1AHD。在常规临床实践中作为单药治疗或附加治疗的组合醛脂显着降低了BP ?≤α45-和?≥?≥?65岁的印度印度患者轻度至中度高血压,强调氨氯地平可能是印度患者在这些年龄群中必需高血压患者的BP控制候选者。



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