首页> 外文期刊>Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Agronomia. Revista >Caracterización de las modalidades de comercialización de plátano (Musa AAB) en el estado Zulia / Characterization of the modalities of commercialization of plantain (Musa AAB) in the state of Zulia / Caracteriza??o das modalidades de comercializa??o de bananeira (Musa AAB) no estado de Zulia

Caracterización de las modalidades de comercialización de plátano (Musa AAB) en el estado Zulia / Characterization of the modalities of commercialization of plantain (Musa AAB) in the state of Zulia / Caracteriza??o das modalidades de comercializa??o de bananeira (Musa AAB) no estado de Zulia

机译:Banana营销方式(Musa AAB)在Zulia(Musa Aab)的Zulia Zulia /表征中的Zulia /表征的特征?或者游行的DAS市场??或Bananeira(Musa Aab)没有Zulia



Plantain ( Musa AAB) is an important item in the diet of Venezuelans and the Zulia state is the main producer, so I propose the objective of this research to characterize the commercialization modalities of the banana in the Zulia state, being the same of projective type and with a non-experimental design. The population corresponds to networks, associations or any organization, zones and markets where the purchase and sale is carried out by producers, wholesalers, transport companies in several areas of the South region of Lake Maracaibo (Francisco Javier Pulgar, Colón and Sucre), As well as different markets and areas of Maracaibo and San Francisco, plantain market. Among the techniques used was the field observation where preliminary visits were made to the study area, as well as the questionnaire, through structured individual interviews. The obtained results allowed to determine that the modality of purchase of the wholesalers of plantain constituted the unit, for the carriers, it represented the counted one. The modality of sale of the producers was the heavy, for the case of the wholesalers was the unit and for the carriers was the counted. The main actor to whom the transporters bought were the producers and the wholesalers bought from the transporters. Producers are the least knowledgeable actors about information systems, resulting in a negative response.
机译:Plantain(Musa Aab)是委内瑞拉斯饮食中的一个重要项目,Zulia州是主要的生产商,所以我提出了这项研究的目标,以表征Zulia状态的香蕉商业化模式,与投影类型相同并且具有非实验设计。这些人口对应于网络,协会或任何组织,地区和市场,这些组织和市场由生产者,批发商,运输公司在Maracaibo湖(Francisco Javier Pulgar,Colón和Sucre)的南部地区的几个地区进行的生产商,批发商,运输公司进行。以及不同市场和Maracaibo和旧金山的地区,班工市场。所使用的技术中,通过结构性个人访谈,对研究区域以及调查问卷进行初步访问的技术观察。所获得的结果允许确定购买Plantain的批发商的模型构成了该单位,对于载体,它代表了计数器。制造商的销售方式是沉重的,因为批发商是单位和载体的计数。运输商购买的主要演员是生产者和从运输商购买的批发商。生产者是关于信息系统的知识渊博的演员,导致负面反应。



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