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Why Did I Not Prepare for This? The Politics of Negotiating Fieldwork Access, Identity, and Methodology in Researching Microfinance Institutions:




It has been increasingly recognized that undertaking qualitative research can pose many challenges for researchers. However, scanty literature focuses directly on the experiences of doctoral research students from developing countries studying in Western Europe and other similar geographic regions, and the challenges of doing fieldwork when they return a??back home.a?? In this article, I use my experiences in the process of undertaking PhD fieldwork on two donor-funded microfinance institutions located in Zambia to demonstrate that doctoral students from specific regions (Africa in particular) undertaking research in their native countries can struggle to manage and make sense of the challenges and identity issues raised in their a??familiara?? environments. I also present a detailed discussion of how various gatekeepers and participants facilitated access, identity alteration, and the impact of insidera??outsider positionality on collected data. It is concluded that organizational a??politicsa?? and local context can have significant bearing on power relationships, identities of researchers, and methodological preferences.
机译:越来越认识到,进行定性研究可以对研究人员提出许多挑战。然而,稀少文学重点介绍了从西欧和其他类似地理区域学习的发展中国家博士研究生的经验,以及当他们回到家时进行实地工作的挑战。a ??在本文中,我在位于赞比亚的两个捐助资助的小额信贷机构上使用我的经验在赞比亚的两家捐助资助的小额信贷机构中展示了来自特定地区(非洲的非洲)在其祖国进行研究的博士生可以努力管理和制造在他们的a upbala中提出的挑战和身份问题的感觉?环境。我还详细讨论了各种网守和参与者有助于访问,身份更改以及insidera的影响,以及insidera的局部位置对收集数据的影响。结论是,组织a ?? politicsa ??而本地背景可能对电力关系,研究人员身份和方法偏好具有重要的轴承。



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