首页> 外文期刊>Kuwait Journal of Science >Deep Learning Autoencoder Approach: Automatic Recognition of Artistic Arabic Calligraphy Types

Deep Learning Autoencoder Approach: Automatic Recognition of Artistic Arabic Calligraphy Types




Recognition of Arabic calligraphy types is a challenging problem. Difficulties include similarities among different types, overlap between letters, and letters that assume different shapes. In this study, a deep learning approach to recognizing artistic Arabic calligraphy types is presented. Autoencoder is a deep learning approach with the capability of reducing data dimensions in addition to extract features. Autoencoders could be stacked with several layers. The system is composed of three layers consisting of two encoder layers to extract features and a one soft max layer for the recognition stage. The font can be recognized in a collective manner based on the words or segments the exist in the font images. The input of the system consists of individual words or segment images that compose the font image, and the output is the recognized font type. The approach was evaluated on local and public datasets, and the achieved recognition rates were 92.1% and 99.5%, respectively.
机译:认识阿拉伯书法类型是一个具有挑战性的问题。困难包括不同类型之间的相似之处,字母之间的重叠和呈现不同形状的字母。在这项研究中,提出了一种识别艺术阿拉伯语书法类型的深度学习方法。 AutoEncoder除了提取特征外,AutoEncoder还具有减少数据尺寸的能力。 AutoEncoders可以用几层堆叠。该系统由三个层组成,该层由两个编码器层组成,以提取特征和用于识别阶段的一个软MAX层。可以基于字体图像中存在的单词或片段以集体方式识别字体。系统的输入包括组成字体图像的单个单词或段图像,输出是识别的字体类型。该方法在地方和公共数据集上进行了评估,达到的识别率分别为92.1%和99.5%。



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