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Delayed trigeminocardiac reflex after maxillofacial surgery: case report




Background: Trigeminocardiac reflex is a physiological phenomenon that may occur in head and neck surgery, and is usually benign. However, it may present with exaggerated responses with severe morbidity. Case report: Male patient, 26 years old, candidate for surgical treatment of zygomatic-orbital complex fracture. The surgery with bilateral nasal packing placed at the end of the procedure was uneventful. After being admitted to the post-anesthesia care unity, the patient complained of shortness of breath and nausea. Pulse oximetry fell below 90% in ambient air, and 100% O 2 was then offered through a Hudson mask. He showed no improvement in oximetry and presented with worsening dyspnea, diffuse wheezing, reduced heart rate, and blood pressure. Atropine was given, which raised the heart rate, but without resolution of hypotension and bronchospasm. Our suspicion was of a trigeminal-cardiac reflex, and then the removal of the nasal packing was done with complete remission of the signs and symptoms. Discussion: Florian Kratschmer (1870) was the first to describe the influences of nasal mucosal reflexes on respiration and circulation, which became known as Kratschmer's reflex. It is a reflex arc whose afferent originates in the nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve. The clinical presentation of trigeminocardiac reflex is the occurrence of sudden bradycardia, hypotension, apnea, and gastric hypermotility. Conclusion: Trigeminocardiac reflex may be a protective neurogenic, oxygen-conserving response with low morbidity, however, exacerbated in certain situations. The interaction between surgeon and anesthesiologist, together with a careful monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate are fundamental for diagnosis and treatment.
机译:背景:Trigemardard反射是头部和颈部手术中可能发生的生理现象,通常是良性的。然而,它可能存在夸张的反应具有严重的发病率。案例报告:男性患者,26岁,患有颧骨复合骨折的手术治疗候选者。在手术结束时,双侧鼻包装的手术是不行的。在被麻醉后护理统一后,患者抱怨呼吸急促和恶心。脉搏血氧速率在环境空气中低于90%,然后通过哈德逊面具提供100%O 2。他在血氧基出来没有改善,并呈现恶化的呼吸困难,弥漫性喘息,降低心率和血压。给予阿托品,升高了心率,但没有解决低血压和支气管痉挛。我们怀疑是一种三叉心脏反射,然后通过完全缓解症状和症状来完成鼻包装的去除。讨论:Florian Kratschmer(1870)是第一个描述鼻粘膜反应对呼吸和流通影响的兴趣,这被称为Kratschmer的反射。它是一种反射弧,其传入起源于三叉神经的神经末梢。 TrigemardardIaciac反射的临床介绍是突然的心动过缓,低血压,呼吸暂停和胃高兴的发生。结论:Trigemardardiaciac反射可以是具有低发病率的保护性神经源性,氧气保守应答,但在某些情况下加剧了。外科医生和麻醉师之间的相互作用,以及仔细监测血压和心率是诊断和治疗的基础。



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