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Flipped classroom in a therapeutic modality course: students’ perspective




The use of flipped classrooms has gained momentum and involves the instructor replacing the passive reception of material found in common lectures, so class time may be used for hands-on practical application, discussion, or assignments. The purpose of this paper is to explore students’ perceptions of a flipped therapeutic modality course. Focus group interviews were conducted with sixteen participants (14 female, 2 male) who completed a therapeutic modality course. Data were collected through 4 focus group interviews, which were digitally recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed to uncover dominant themes—first by organizing the data, then summarizing data into codes, and finally interpreting. Credibility was secured through peer review, member checks, and investigator triangulation. The analysis resulted in three common themes: the flipped classroom (1) was perceived as valuable by students, (2) led to active participation in class, and (3) helped students feel better prepared for the class. Athletic training students, particularly in a flipped therapeutic modality course, valued this pedagogical approach.
机译:翻转教室的使用已经获得了势头,并且涉及指导员更换常见讲座中发现的材料的被动接收,因此类时间可用于实际应用,讨论或作业。本文的目的是探讨学生对翻转的治疗方式课程的看法。焦点小组访谈由16名参与者(14名女性,2名男性)进行,他完成了治疗方式课程。通过4个焦点组访谈收集数据,这些访谈被数字记录和转录。分析数据以揭示主导主题 - 首先通过组织数据,然后将数据汇总为代码,最后解释。可信度通过同行审查,会员支票和调查员三角测量得到保护。分析导致了三个共同主题:被认为是学生有价值的翻转教室(1),(2)导致了积极参与课程,(3)帮助学生对班级做好准备。运动训练学生,特别是在翻转的治疗方式课程中,有价值的教学方法。



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