首页> 外文期刊>Geohealth >Modeling the Relationship of Groundwater Salinity to Neonatal and Infant Mortality From the Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey 2000 to 2014

Modeling the Relationship of Groundwater Salinity to Neonatal and Infant Mortality From the Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey 2000 to 2014




We evaluated the relationship of drinking water salinity to neonatal and infant mortality using Bangladesh Demographic Health Surveys of 2000, 2004, 2007, 2011, and 2014. Point data of groundwater electrical conductivity (EC)— a measure of salinity—were collated from the Bangladesh Water Development Board and digitizing salinity contour map. Data for groundwater dissolved elements (sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) data came from a national hydrochemistry survey in Bangladesh. Point EC and dissolved minerals data were then interpolated over entire Bangladesh and extracted to each cluster location, the primary sampling unit of Bangladesh Demographic Health Surveys. We used restricted cubic splines and survey design‐specific logistic regression models to determine the relationship of water salinity to neonatal and infant mortality. A U‐shaped association between drinking water salinity and neonatal and infant mortality was found, suggesting higher mortality when salinity was very low and high. Compared to mildly saline (EC ≥0.7 and?
机译:我们评估了使用2000,2004,2007,2011年和2014年的孟加拉国人口健康调查的饮用水盐度与新生儿和婴儿死亡的关系。地下水导电性(EC)的点数据 - 从孟加拉国融合了盐度水开发板和数字化盐度等高图。地下水溶解元素(钠,钙,镁和钾)数据来自孟加拉国国家水力化调查。点EC和溶解的矿物质数据然后在整个孟加拉国内插入并提取到每个集群位置,孟加拉国人口健康调查的主要采样单元。我们使用了受限制的立方样条和调查设计特定的逻辑回归模型,以确定水盐度与新生儿和婴儿死亡率的关系。发现饮用水盐度与新生儿和婴儿死亡之间的U形结合,表明盐度非常低,高的死亡率。与柔和的盐水(EC≥0.7和?<?2 ms / cm)水饮水器,淡水(EC?<β0.7ms / cm)饮水者的饮水者具有1.37(95%CI:1.01,1.84)倍,新生儿死亡率和1.43( 95%CI:1.08,1.89)婴儿死亡率更高。与温和的盐水饮水器相比,盐水浓性(EC≥10ms/ cm)的水饮水器具有1.77(95%CI:1.17,2.68)倍,新生儿死亡率高,1.93(95%CI:1.35,2.76)倍增。我们发现轻度 - 盐度水具有高浓度的钙和镁,而重度盐度水具有高浓度的钠。淡水具有最小浓度的猪蹄钙和镁。关键点水盐表明水中的所有溶解离子:常见的阳离子是钠,钾,钙和镁,我们发现饮用水盐度和新生儿和婴儿死亡率之间的U形关联,表明饮用水盐度的死亡率较高,非常低我们发现温和盐水的高浓度浓度高,盐水含量高,盐水含量高水平



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