首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology >Comparative study to evaluate the prevalence of deranged lipid profile and oral glucose tolerance test in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients with normal females: a prospective observational study

Comparative study to evaluate the prevalence of deranged lipid profile and oral glucose tolerance test in polycystic ovarian syndrome patients with normal females: a prospective observational study




Background: PCOS is a complex endocrine disorder characterized by menstrual dysfunction, anovulation, infertility and hyper androgenic symptoms with dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular diseases, and impaired glucose tolerance and type II diabetes mellitus. Multiple risk factors are involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Methods: A comparative evaluation of deranged lipid profile and OGTT in PCOS patients with normal females was done in patients with age group of 15 to 30 years. The Rotterdam criteria for PCOS was used for selection of the participants prospectively and a detailed history regarding period of amenorrhea, menstrual cycles, obstetric history, any past history of medical disorder were taken followed by general physical, systemic and obstetric examination. All the patients underwent Ultrasound examination, OGTT and lipid profile, prolactin, 17-OH progesterone and testosterone level. Results: A significant association of PCOS with deranged lipid profile and blood glucose tolerance and obesity was observed. Patients with PCOS had higher prevalence of oligomenorrhoea, infertility, hirsutism and acne. Furthermore, a statistically significant trend was seen where signs and symptoms like infertility, hirsutism and acne, deranged OGTT and dyslipidaemia were more frequently associated with increased BMI, sedentary life style intake of high calorie diets. Conclusions: An association between obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and dietary factors with PCOS was observed which can be modified to improve the health condition of the women with PCOS.
机译:背景:PCOS是一种复杂的内分泌疾病,其具有血脂血症,心血管疾病和葡萄糖耐受性和II型糖尿病患者的月经功能障碍,无育,不孕症和高雄激素症状,以及葡萄糖耐受性和II型糖尿病。多种风险因素参与PCOS的发病机制。方法:在15至30岁的年龄组患者中,对PCOS患者进行了PCOS患者的临床脂质曲线和OGTT的比较评价。 PCOS的Rotterdam标准用于预期选择参与者以及关于闭经时期的详细历史,月经周期,产科历史,采取了一般物理,全身和产科检查。所有患者都经过超声检查,OGTT和脂质型材,催乳素,17-OH孕酮和睾酮水平。结果:观察到PCOS具有重要关联,具有含有含血液曲线和血糖耐受性和肥胖症的关联。 PCOS的患者患有寡聚菌,不孕症,流氓和痤疮的患病率较高。此外,看到一种统计学上的重要趋势,其中症状和症状等迹象和症状,如不孕症,流氓和痤疮,紊乱的ogtt和血脂血症更频繁地与增加的BMI,久坐的生活方式摄入量的高卡路里饮食有关。结论:观察到肥胖,久坐生活方式和与PCOS膳食因子之间的关联,可以修改,以改善PCOS的妇女的健康状况。



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