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Analysis of Genetic Diversity in the Czech Spotted Dog




Loss off genetic diversity negatively affects most of the modern dog breeds. However, no breed created strictly for laboratory purposes has been analyzed so far. In this paper, we sought to explore by pedigree analysis exactly such a breed—the Czech Spotted Dog (CSD). The pedigree contained a total of 2010 individuals registered since the second half of the 20th century. Parameters such as the mean average relatedness, coefficient of inbreeding, effective population size, effective number of founders, ancestors and founder genomes and loss of genetic diversity—which was calculated based on the reference population and pedigree completeness—were used to assess genetic variability. Compared to the founding population, the reference population lost 38.2% of its genetic diversity, of which 26% is due to random genetic drift and 12.2% is due to the uneven contribution of the founders. The reference population is highly inbred and related. The average inbreeding coefficient is 36.45%, and the mean average relatedness is 74.83%. The effective population size calculated based on the increase of inbreeding coefficient is 10.28. Thus, the Czech Spotted Dog suffered significant losses of genetic diversity that threaten its future existence.
机译:遗传多样性的损失对大多数现代狗的品种产生负面影响。然而,到目前为止,没有严格地制定的繁殖是为了实验室目的。在本文中,我们试图通过谱系分析探索,精确地探索了捷克斑点狗(CSD)。自20世纪下半叶自20世纪下半叶以来,毕业人员总共载有2010年。基于参考人群和血统完整性计算的参数,近亲繁殖系数,近亲繁殖系数,有效数量,有效数量的创始人,祖先和创始者基因组和遗传多样性的丧失 - 用于评估遗传变异性。与成立人口相比,参考人口损失了38.2%的遗传多样性,其中26%是由于随机遗传漂移,12.2%是由于创始人的不均衡贡献。参考人口高度近亲和相关。平均近亲繁殖系数为36.45%,平均平均相关性为74.83%。基于近亲繁殖系数的增加计算的有效种群大小为10.28。因此,捷克斑点的狗遭受了遗传多样性的显着损失,威胁到未来的存在。



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