首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Work fatalities in a Brazilian oil and gas company: analysis of workers’ health and safety policy

Work fatalities in a Brazilian oil and gas company: analysis of workers’ health and safety policy




This paper aims to discuss the changes in the safety and health policy (SHP) of an oil and gas company from the enlarged accident that occurred in 2001, seeking out to understand the consequences of these changes in the daily activity of workers. It is a mixed study employing an epidemiological data triangulation method, documental research, and qualitative approach. The 2001 oil platform accident (RJ) was considered a milestone in the process of changes in the company’s SHP. Several actions and programs have been implemented, and investments in health and safety have increased substantially. We identified that such initiatives had limited participation by workers in their planning and elaboration. They did not prioritize the most critical problems, and emphasis was placed on the establishment of standards and audits to assess compliance with the prescription. Finally, it was observed that learning about severe or fatal occupational accidents is incipient and unstructured, and the system of consequences triggers workers’ fear and insecurity, blaming, in general, the injured person for the occurrence, without considering the multiple factors that influence and condition the accident.
机译:本文旨在讨论从2001年发生的扩大事故讨论石油和天然气公司的安全和健康政策(SHP)的变化,寻求了解这些变化的工作人员的日常活动的后果。它是采用流行病学数据三角测量方法,记录研究和定性方法的混合研究。 2001年的石油平台事故(RJ)被认为是公司SHP变化过程中的里程碑。已经实施了一些行动和计划,并且对健康和安全的投资大幅增加。我们确定,这些举措受到工人在规划和制定方面的参与有限。他们没有优先考虑最关键的问题,并强调建立标准和审计,以评估遵守处方。最后,观察到,关于严重或致命的职业事故的学习是初始和非结构化的,并且后果制度触发了工人的恐惧和不安全,一般来说受伤人员的伤害,而不考虑影响和的多种因素条件事故。



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