首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >'Visual’ parsing can be taught quickly without visual experience during critical periods

'Visual’ parsing can be taught quickly without visual experience during critical periods




Cases of invasive sight-restoration in congenital blind adults demonstrated that acquiring visual abilities is extremely challenging, presumably because visual-experience during critical-periods is crucial for learning visual-unique concepts (e.g. size constancy). Visual rehabilitation can also be achieved using sensory-substitution-devices (SSDs) which convey visual information non-invasively through sounds. We tested whether one critical concept – visual parsing, which is highly-impaired in sight-restored patients – can be learned using SSD. To this end, congenitally blind adults participated in a unique, relatively short (~70?hours), SSD-‘vision’ training. Following this, participants successfully parsed 2D and 3D visual objects. Control individuals na?ve to SSDs demonstrated that while some aspects of parsing with SSD are intuitive, the blind’s success could not be attributed to auditory processing alone. Furthermore, we had a unique opportunity to compare the SSD-users’ abilities to those reported for sight-restored patients who performed similar tasks visually, and who had months of eyesight. Intriguingly, the SSD-users outperformed the patients on most criteria tested. These suggest that with adequate training and technologies, key high-order visual features can be quickly acquired in adulthood, and lack of visual-experience during critical-periods can be somewhat compensated for. Practically, these highlight the potential of SSDs as standalone-aids or combined with invasive restoration approaches.
机译:先天性盲目成年人的侵袭性视野恢复情况表明,获取视觉能力是极具挑战性的,可能是因为在关键期间的视觉体验对于学习视觉独特的概念(例如尺寸恒定)至关重要。也可以使用感觉替代装置(SSD)来实现视觉康复,该装置(SSD)无侵入地通过声音传达视觉信息。我们测试了一个关键概念 - 视觉解析是否在视线恢复患者中高度受损 - 可以使用SSD学习。为此,共同盲目的成年人参加了独特,相对较短(〜70?小时),SSD-'Vision'训练。在此之后,参与者成功解析了2D和3D Visual对象。控制个人NA ve对SSD表示,虽然与SSD解析的一些方面是直观的,但盲人的成功不能仅归因于听觉处理。此外,我们有一个独特的机会,可以将SSD用户的能力与目前表现出类似的任务的视线恢复患者的人进行比较,谁有几个月的视力。有趣的是,SSD-USER在大多数标准上表现出患者。这些表明,通过足够的培训和技术,可以在成年期内快速获得关键的高阶视觉功能,并且在关键期间缺乏视觉体验可能会有所补偿。实际上,这些突出了SSD的潜力作为独立助剂或与侵入性恢复方法结合。



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