首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bacteriology >The LE1 Bacteriophage Replicates as a Plasmid within Leptospira biflexa: Construction of an L. biflexa-Escherichia coli Shuttle Vector

The LE1 Bacteriophage Replicates as a Plasmid within Leptospira biflexa: Construction of an L. biflexa-Escherichia coli Shuttle Vector




We have discovered that LE1, one of the plaque-forming phages previously described as lytic for the Leptospira biflexasaprophytic spirochete (I. Saint Girons, D. Margarita, P. Amouriaux, and G. Baranton, Res. Microbiol. 141:1131–1138, 1990), was indeed temperate. LE1 was found to be unusual, as Southern blot analysis indicated that it is one of the few phages to replicate in the prophage state as a circular plasmid. The unavailability of such small endogenous replicons has hindered genetic experimentation inLeptospira. We have developed a shuttle vector with DNA derived from LE1. Random LE1 DNA fragments were cloned into a pGEM 7Zf(+) derivative devoid of most of the bla gene but carrying a kanamycin resistance marker from the gram-positive bacteriumEnterococcus (Streptococcus)faecalis. These constructs were transformed into L. biflexa strain Patoc 1 by electroporation, giving rise to kanamycin-resistant transformants. A 2.2-kb fragment from LE1 was responsible for replication of the vector in L. biflexa. However, a larger region including an intact parA gene homologue was necessary for the stability of the shuttle vector. Direct repeats and AT-rich regions characterized the LE1 origin of replication. Our data indicate that the replicon derived from the LE1 leptophage, together with the kanamycin resistance gene, is a promising tool with which to develop the genetics of Leptospiraspecies.
机译:我们发现,LE1是一种噬菌斑形成噬菌体,以前被描述为溶菌性双螺旋杆菌(I. Saint Girons,D. Margarita,P. Amouriaux,and G. Baranton,Res (Microbiol.141:1311-1138,1990),确实是温带的。 LE1被发现是不寻常的,因为Southern印迹分析表明它是少数以噬菌体状态复制为环状质粒的噬菌体之一。如此小的内源性复制子的缺乏阻碍了 Leptospira 的基因实验。我们已经开发了带有LE1衍生DNA的穿梭载体。随机LE1 DNA片段被克隆到pGEM 7Zf(+)衍生物中,该衍生物缺乏大多数 bla 基因,但带有革兰氏阳性细菌肠球菌(< em>链球菌粪便。这些构建体被转化为 L。通过电穿孔法获得双挠曲菌株Patoc 1,产生抗卡那霉素的转化体。 LE1的一个2.2kb片段负责载体在 L中的复制。 biflexa 。但是,较大的区域,包括完整的 parA 基因同源物,对于穿梭载体的稳定性是必需的。直接重复序列和富含AT的区域表征了LE1复制起点。我们的数据表明,来自LE1噬菌体的复制子以及卡那霉素抗性基因,是开发 Leptospira 物种遗传学的有前途的工具。



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