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Analyzing the Creative Editing Behavior of Wikipedia Editors




This paper analyzes editing patterns of Wikipedia contributors using dynamic social network analysis. We have developed a tool that converts the edit flow among contributors into a temporal social network. We are using this approach to identify the most creative Wikipedia editors among the few thousand contributors who make most of the edits amid the millions of active Wikipedia editors. In particular, we identify the key category of “coolfarmers”, the prolific authors starting and building new articles of high quality. Towards this goal we analyzed the 2580 featured articles of the English Wikipedia where we found two main article types: (1) articles of narrow focus created by a few subject matter experts, and (2) articles about a broad topic created by thousands of interested incidental editors. We then investigated the authoring process of articles about a current and controversial event. There we found two types of editors with different editing patterns: the mediators, trying to reconcile the different viewpoints of editors, and the zealots, who are adding fuel to heated discussions on controversial topics.As a second category of editors we look at the “egoboosters”, people who use Wikipedia mostly to showcase themselves. Understanding these different patterns of behavior gives important insights about the cultural norms of online creators. In addition, identifying and policing egoboosters has the potential to increase the quality of Wikipedia. People best suited to enforce culture-compliant behavior of egoboosters through exemplary behavior and active intervention are the highly regarded coolfarmers introduced above.
机译:本文使用动态社交网络分析来分析维基百科贡献者的编辑模式。我们开发了一种工具,可将参与者之间的编辑流程转换为时间社交网络。我们正在使用这种方法在数以百万计的活跃Wikipedia编辑器中进行大部分编辑的数千名贡献者中,找出最具创造力的Wikipedia编辑器。特别是,我们确定“ coolfarmers”的关键类别,即多产的作者开始并撰写高质量的新文章。为了实现这一目标,我们分析了英语维基百科的2580篇特色文章,发现其中有两种主要的文章类型:(1)几位主题专家创建的重点狭窄的文章,以及(2)数千名感兴趣的作者创建的有关广泛主题的文章偶然的编辑。然后,我们调查了有关当前事件和有争议事件的文章的撰写过程。在这里,我们发现了两种类型的编辑,它们的编辑方式各不相同:调解员(试图调和编辑的不同观点)和狂热分子,这为有争议的话题进行了热烈的讨论。作为第二类编辑,我们来看“ egoboosters”,主要是使用Wikipedia展示自己的人。了解这些不同的行为方式,可以提供有关在线创作者文化规范的重要见解。此外,识别和监管自我提升者有可能提高维基百科的质量。上面介绍的最受推崇的酷农是最适合通过模范行为和积极干预来实施自我培养者的文化合规行为的人。



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