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Statewide School-located Influenza Vaccination Program for Children 5–13 Years of Age, Hawaii, USA




New guidance recommends annual influenza vaccination for all children 5–18 years of age in the United States. During 2007–2008, Hawaii offered inactivated and live attenuated influenza vaccine at school-located clinics for grades kindergarten through 8. Most (90%) public and private schools participated, and 622 clinics were conducted at 340 schools. Of 132,775 children 5–13 years of age, 60,760 (46%) were vaccinated. The proportion vaccinated peaked at 54% for those 6 years of age and declined for older cohorts. More than 90% of schoolchildren transited the clinic in 10 minutes. A total of 16,920 staff-hours were expended; estimated cost per dose administered was $27 and included vaccine purchase and administration, health staffing resources, printing costs, data management, and promotion. This program demonstrates the feasibility of conducting mass school-located influenza vaccination programs in public and private schools statewide, as might be indicated to respond to pandemic influenza.
机译:新指南建议在美国对所有5至18岁的儿童进行年度流感疫苗接种。在2007年至2008年期间,夏威夷在8岁至8年级的幼儿园诊所的学校诊所提供灭活和减毒活疫苗,大多数(90%)公立和私立学校参加了该计划,在340所学校开设了622所诊所。在132,775名5-13岁的儿童中,有60,760名(46%)接种了疫苗。在这6岁的人群中,接种疫苗的比例最高达到54%,而在较老的人群中则有所下降。 90%以上的学童在不到10分钟的时间内就通过了诊所。总共花费了16,920个工时;估计每剂剂量的费用为27美元,其中包括疫苗的购买和管理,卫生人员资源,打印成本,数据管理和推广。该计划表明,在全州的公立和私立学校中进行大规模的学校流感疫苗接种计划是可行的,这可能表明应对大流行性流感。



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