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Clinical Implications of Oral Candidiasis: Host Tissue Damage and Disseminated Bacterial Disease




The clinical significance of polymicrobial interactions, particularly those between commensal species with high pathogenic potential, remains largely understudied. Although the dimorphic fungal species Candida albicans and the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus are common cocolonizers of humans, they are considered leading opportunistic pathogens. Oral candidiasis specifically, characterized by hyphal invasion of oral mucosal tissue, is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV+ and immunocompromised individuals. In this study, building on our previous findings, a mouse model was developed to investigate whether the onset of oral candidiasis predisposes the host to secondary staphylococcal infection. The findings demonstrated that in mice with oral candidiasis, subsequent exposure to S. aureus resulted in systemic bacterial infection with high morbidity and mortality. Histopathology and scanning electron microscopy of tongue tissue from moribund animals revealed massive C. albicans hyphal invasion coupled with S. aureus deep tissue infiltration. The crucial role of hyphae in the process was demonstrated using a non-hypha-producing and a noninvasive hypha-producing mutant strains of C. albicans. Further, in contrast to previous findings, S. aureus dissemination was aided but not contingent upon the presence of the Als3p hypha-specific adhesion. Importantly, impeding development of mucosal C. albicans infection by administering antifungal fluconazole therapy protected the animals from systemic bacterial disease. The combined findings from this study demonstrate that oral candidiasis may constitute a risk factor for disseminated bacterial disease warranting awareness in terms of therapeutic management of immunocompromised individuals.
机译:仍未充分研究多微生物相互作用的临床意义,尤其是具有高致病潜力的共生物种之间的相互作用。尽管双态真菌物种白色念珠菌和金黄色葡萄球菌是人类常见的结肠炎菌,但它们被认为是主要的机会病原体。特别是口腔念珠菌病,其特征是菌丝侵入口腔粘膜组织,是HIV +和免疫功能低下个体最常见的机会性感染。在这项研究中,基于我们先前的发现,开发了一种小鼠模型来研究口腔念珠菌病的发作是否使宿主容易发生继发性葡萄球菌感染。这些发现表明,在患有口腔念珠菌病的小鼠中,随后暴露于金黄色葡萄球菌会导致全身细菌感染,具有较高的发病率和死亡率。垂死动物的舌头组织的组织病理学和扫描电镜观察发现,白色念珠菌菌丝大量侵入,金黄色葡萄球菌深层组织浸润。使用白色念珠菌的非产生菌丝和非侵入性产生菌丝的突变菌株证明了菌丝在该过程中的关键作用。此外,与以前的发现相反,金黄色葡萄球菌的传播是有帮助的,但并不取决于Als3p菌丝特异性粘附的存在。重要的是,通过施用抗真菌氟康唑疗法阻止粘膜念珠菌感染的发展,可以保护动物免受系统性细菌性疾病的侵害。这项研究的综合结果表明,口腔念珠菌病可能构成了传播性细菌性疾病的危险因素,值得对免疫功能低下的个体进行治疗方面的认识。



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