首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Development >Sustainable Geometric and Bio-Cultural/Cultural Models of Human Society: The Role of Non-Capitalist Cooperation in Times of Civilizational/Environmental Crisis

Sustainable Geometric and Bio-Cultural/Cultural Models of Human Society: The Role of Non-Capitalist Cooperation in Times of Civilizational/Environmental Crisis




The Sustainable Complex Triangular Cells (SCTC) and bio-cultural/cultural models of human society are employed here. Regarding SCTC model, the cell areas represent the individual′s carbon footprint. Scalene triangles represent each individual in the present competitive standard (inward arrows). Equilateral triangles (outward arrows) are “summed” so as forming cooperative-hexagonal bodies leading to a collaborative model of society, reducing the total carbon footprint area as regard the formal analogous sum of each individual (inward) non-cooperative triangle. We particularly have focused on environmental global limits of the capitalist system, with SCTC modeling an accelerated global anti-ecological “scalenization” process from the 29 crisis to the present neoliberal stage of capitalism. Employing again the SCTC model, we describe and exemplify instable and short lifetime “islands” built up through evanescent local process of “cooperative equilateralization” (outward arrows) in the last 40 years. Such non-capitalist features were “mixed in” with competitive “scalenized” features of the capitalist “ocean”. In the final topic, we will consider bio-cultural (Nowak and Wilson) models of the human history and a cultural (Weber-Alberoni) model for great inflexions in the western history. All these models intersect via human cooperation. Particularly, that last model is complementary to the above small and instable “islands” sketch: but now we deal with western religious and secular, non- capitalist, purely cooperative experiences, which correspond to the above labeled SCTC “cooperative equilateralization”. Such weber-alberonian “islands” may be – some few times - sufficiently stable for rapid and great expansions leading, e.g., to a “civilizational/environmental jump” in the presently menaced planet.



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