首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Development >An Interdisciplinary Educational Module to Implement the Synergetic Approach in Liberal Education of the University Students

An Interdisciplinary Educational Module to Implement the Synergetic Approach in Liberal Education of the University Students




The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by an increasing significance of the humanities in the university education and imperfect level of applying interdisciplinary connections within the academic subjects of liberal arts. To resolve the contradiction at the level of teaching liberal arts the leading role belongs to the synergetic approach that determines the timeliness of educational reforms through the ideas, values, concepts of liberal education represented in the syllabus of interdisciplinary educational modules of the studied subjects. Therefore, this article is aimed at the scientific rationale for the structure and syllabus of the interdisciplinary teaching modules within liberal arts as an innovative model of teaching mechanisms to implement the synergetic approach in liberal education of the university students. The leading research method is the method of modeling the interdisciplinary educational modules in the process of teaching liberal arts. The paper presents the theoretical and methodological basis of designing and implementing the interdisciplinary teaching modules within the liberal arts based on the synergetic approach (objective, structure, syllabus, self-organization and self-transformation technology), its rationale as a productive pedagogical mechanism for implementing synergetic approach to liberal education of the university students. The article submissions may be useful for the teachers of continuous professional education, for young scientists, post-graduate students, instructors, the students of advanced training and retraining, the education authorities. The article submissions are recommended for the undergraduates and students engaged in research activities as well to anyone interested in the issues of synergy in education.



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