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there the facts are”: Andrew Lang, Facts and Fantasy’

机译:事实是“:安德鲁·朗(Andrew Lang),事实与幻想”



In an article on Andrew Lang from 1901, G.K. Chesterton wrote in glowing terms of the breadth and scope of Lang's works, of his interest in matters from golf to Homer, from cricket to mythology. It was the nature of Lang's interests, though, that drew Chesterton's warmest praise. Lang, he says, collects "blue china because it is blue" and catches "fish because they are fishy" (481). Chesterton ended his article on Lang with the assertion that it was Lang's peculiar focus on the specifics of each interest that created in his work the sense that "more real facts are neglected in this practical world than we shall ever know" (481). What he called Lang's "overwhelming confluence of specialities" (481) led in the end for Chesterton back to the individual fact, and the individual fact whose reality challenged and upset the dominant view of the world. This reading of Lang as obsessed with facts across disparate subjects appears in most assessments of him, both before and after his death, but for most this "confluence of specialities" indicated his weakness rather than his strength. When Lang died in 1912, and for some time after, even the most sympathetic commentators remarked on the disappointment inherent in his now completed oeuvre. Lang's great friend, the novelist Henry Rider Haggard, quotes in his autobiography, The Days of My Life (1926), a charge that his fellow novelist Mrs Eliza Lynn Linton made to him that "Andrew would be the greatest writer in the language if only he had something to write about." While seeing this as "rather sharp," Haggard admits that Lang "like the amorous Frenchman [. . .] has ever been wont to éparpiller son coeur over a hundred subjects" (1: 229). This assessment of Lang, and a consequent sidelining of his work, has been continued by more recent scholarship, despite the fact that Lang's huge body of work covers many of the areas that have been of most interest to recent scholars of the fin de siècle, particularly literary and cultural historians exploring the intersections of science and culture during the period. Lang wrote a number of books of anthropology; he wrote on folklore and fairy stories; he wrote on and translated the classics; he wrote poetry, novels and short stories; he wrote histories, literary criticism and hundreds of columns in journals and magazines on a vast range of subjects. Despite this, Lang has remained a very minor figure, a footnote. Where he is mentioned, it is often to assert his marginal position; in her history of the British tradition in early anthropology, Henrika Kuklick mentions Lang only to call him an "intellectual gadfly" (56).
机译:G.K.在1901年发表的有关安德鲁·朗(Andrew Lang)的文章中切斯特顿以令人眼花terms乱的方式写了郎的作品的广度和范围,以及他对高尔夫,荷马,板球到神话等事物的兴趣。然而,正是郎的利益本质引起了切斯特顿最热烈的称赞。他说,郎收集了“蓝色的中国瓷器,因为它是蓝色的”,并且捕获了“鱼,因为它们是鱼”(481)。切斯特顿在其关于郎的文章的结尾断言,正是郎特别关注每个兴趣的细节,才在他的作品中产生了这样的感觉:“在这个现实世界中,比我们所知道的要忽略的真实事实更多”(481)。他称之为郎的“压倒性的专业融合”(481)最终使切斯特顿回到了个人事实,以及现实挑战和颠覆世界主流观点的个人事实。在对郎的死前和死后的大部分评估中,他对不同学科的事实都很着迷,这对朗格的解读似乎是存在的,但是对于大多数人来说,这种“专长融合”表明了他的软弱,而不是力量。郎(Lang)在1912年去世,并且此后一段时间,即使是最有同情心的评论员也对他现在完成的作品中固有的失望表示赞赏。郎的好朋友小说家亨利·里德·哈格德(Henry Rider Haggard)在自传《我的日子》(The Days of My Life,1926年)中引用了他的小说家艾丽莎·林恩·林顿夫人对他的指控:“如果他有事要写。”哈格德认为这是“相当敏锐的”,但他承认郎“像一个多情的法国人[...]从来不会向一百个主题的埃帕皮勒·艾尔·皮埃尔·科珀(éparpillerson coeur)致敬”(1:229)。尽管Lang的大量著作涵盖了许多金融学者最近最感兴趣的领域,但对Lang的评估以及随之而来的工作在最近的学术研究中仍在继续。特别是文学和文化历史学家,在此期间探索科学与文化的交汇处。郎写了许多人类学著作。他写过民间传说和童话故事;他写下并翻译了经典著作;他写诗,小说和短篇小说;他在众多主题的杂志和杂志上撰写了历史,文学评论和数百个专栏。尽管如此,Lang仍然是一个很小的人物,一个脚注。在提到他的地方,通常要维护他的边际地位。亨里卡·库克利克(Henrika Kuklick)在早期人类学的英国传统史中提到郎只是称他为“智力牛g”(56)。



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