首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Mite Fauna (Arachnida: Acari) on Peach Cultivars in Presidente Prudente, S?o Paulo, Brazil

Mite Fauna (Arachnida: Acari) on Peach Cultivars in Presidente Prudente, S?o Paulo, Brazil

机译:Mite Fauna(Arachnida:Acari)研究巴西圣保罗总统Prudente的桃子品种



This study aimed to determine the mite diversity, population dynamics and to conduct a fauna analysis in plantations from four peach varieties established in the municipality of Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil. The mite fauna from ‘Jóia 4’, ‘Ouromel 3’, ‘Regis’ and ‘Rei da conserva’ cultivars over the rootstock Okinawa were determined from December 2002 to February 2006. Samples composed by 72 leaves were collected fortnightly from upper, middle and lower third of each tree and four trees per cultivar. A total of 3,084 mites were recovered during the experiment, with the following distribution: 2,638 phytophagous, 373 predators and 73 of unknown feeding habit. The mites recovered were related to 18 species from 12 mite families. Aculus fockeui (Eriophyidae) occurred sporadically, not causing symptoms on the canopy. Euseius citrifoluis was the most abundant species among the Phytoseiidae, with predominance on cultivar ‘Regis’.
机译:这项研究旨在确定螨虫的多样性,种群动态并在巴西SP总统Prudente市建立的四个桃子品种的人工林中进行动物区系分析。从2002年12月至2006年2月,确定了冲绳砧木'Jóia4','Ouromel 3','Regis'和'Rei da conserva'品种的螨类动物。每两周从上部,中部和下部收集72片叶子的样本。每棵树的下三分之一和每个品种四棵树。在实验过程中总共回收了3,084枚螨虫,分布如下:2,638吞噬植物,373捕食者和73未知的进食习惯。回收的螨虫与12个螨虫科的18种物种有关。短尾(Eriophyidae)偶发发生,没有引起冠层症状。桔小实蝇(Euseius citrifoluis)是Phytoseiidae科中最丰富的物种,主要分布在“ Regis”品种上。



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