首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) Nodulates Promiscuously with Rhizobium Indigenous to Soils of Botswana

African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) Nodulates Promiscuously with Rhizobium Indigenous to Soils of Botswana

机译:非洲山药豆(Sphenostylis stenocarpa)与博茨瓦纳土壤土生的根瘤菌混杂结瘤



African yam bean is a versatile legume crop, relished for its protein rich tubers, seeds and leaves which are utilized as spinach. It is a highly adaptable crop capable of producing growth even on acid and highly leached sandy soils. A pot experiment was conducted at Botswana College Agriculture to determine nodulation of African Yam Bean with Rhizobium indigenous to soils of Botswana. Soil collected from two different sites at Botswana College of Agriculture were used with each planted with African Yam Bean and cowpea plants. No fertilizer supplementation was added to the soils. Data was collected after eight weeks of establishment. The parameters measured were the number of nodules, nodule weight and plant weight. The data was analysed using Genstat software Discovery Version. African Yam Bean formed nitrogen fixing nodules under the soils from the two different sites. It compared favorably with cowpea because there were no significant differences in nodulation (nodule number and nodule weight, fresh and dry weight) between the two species. This study has further revealed that African Yam Bean is adaptable to a wide variety of environments and could be successfully grown in Botswana without expensive inputs such as inorganic fertilizers.
机译:非洲山药豆是一种多用途的豆类作物,因其富含蛋白质的块茎,种子和叶片被用作菠菜而倍受青睐。它是一种高度适应的作物,即使在酸性和高浸出的沙质土壤上也能生长。在博茨瓦纳大学农业学院进行了盆栽试验,以确定非洲山药豆与博茨瓦纳土壤中固有的根瘤菌的结节情况。使用从博茨瓦纳农业学院两个不同地点收集的土壤,每种土壤都种植了非洲山药豆和cow豆。没有向土壤添加肥料。建立八周后收集数据。所测量的参数是结节数,结节重量和植物重量。使用Genstat软件Discovery Version分析数据。非洲山药豆在两个不同地点的土壤下形成固氮结核。它与cow豆相比具有优势,因为两个物种之间的根瘤(根瘤数和根瘤重,鲜重和干重)没有显着差异。这项研究进一步表明,非洲山药豆可以适应多种环境,并且可以在博茨瓦纳成功种植,而无需使用无机肥料等昂贵的投入。



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