首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Urban Vegetable Farmworkers Beliefs and Perception of Risks Associated with Pesticides Exposure: A Case of Gaborone City, Botswana

Urban Vegetable Farmworkers Beliefs and Perception of Risks Associated with Pesticides Exposure: A Case of Gaborone City, Botswana




A survey was conducted in urban horticultural setting in Gaborone City, Botswana from 4 th to 31 st March 2010 by interviewing 56 farmworkers on their perception and knowledge of risks and hazards associated with exposure to pesticides. The study showed that most farmers relied heavily on pesticides and applied them without considering economic damage to crop. Most pesticides used are classified as extremely hazardous by the World Health Organisatopn (WHO). Majority of farmworkers were aware of health risks and environmental contamination associated with pesticides. The awareness of pesticide harm was significantly influenced by educational background, training on pesticide use and experience on vegetable production. While the percentage of educated and experienced workers was higher (> 50%), training from extension services was only 14% indicating the need for more training to maintain the awareness standard. The study needs to be done in other urban centres of Botswana to get countrywide information on farmworkers awareness of pesticide harm.
机译:2010年3月4日至31日,在博茨瓦纳哈博罗内市的城市园艺环境中进行了一项调查,采访了56名农民,了解他们对与农药接触有关的风险和危害的认识和知识。研究表明,大多数农民在不考虑经济损失的情况下严重依赖农药而施药。世界卫生组织(WHO)将大多数使用的农药归类为极度有害。大多数农场工人意识到与农药有关的健康风险和环境污染。教育背景,农药使用培训和蔬菜生产经验极大地影响了农药危害的意识。虽然受过教育和有经验的工人所占的百分比更高(> 50%),但推广服务的培训仅为14%,这表明需要进行更多培训以保持意识水平。这项研究需要在博茨瓦纳的其他城市中心进行,以获取有关农民对农药危害认识的全国性信息。



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