首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Diversity of NTFPs and Their Utilization in Adilabad District of Andhra Pradesh, India

Diversity of NTFPs and Their Utilization in Adilabad District of Andhra Pradesh, India




Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh is a backward district, with 37.72% of geographic area under forest cover and inhabited by 17.08% ethnic people who use the local tropical dry deciduous forests to extract Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for self-consumption and economic subsistence. The analysis of NTFPs in six forest divisions of Adilabad district, viz. Adilabad, Bellampalli, Jannaram, Kagaznagar, Mancherial and Nirmal reveals the use of consumptive category of goods like wild food plants, honey, oils, fodder, etc. on one hand and the non-consumptive items like gums, resins, gum-resins, dyes, wax, lac, fibers, fuel wood, charcoal, fencing material, brooms, wildlife products, raw materials like bamboo and cane for handicrafts, etc. besides the medicinal plants. The NTFP diversity shows the cognitive ability of the people while the products extracted belong to 183 flowering plant species which represent 149 genera of 64 families (164 Magnoliopsida; 19 Liliopsida). The Legumes dominate the list with 31 taxa, followed by Rubiaceae (11) and Euphorbiaceae (7). Most of the NTFP species are phanerophytes (61% trees) and indigenous. The government of Andhra Pradesh has a procurement policy and price index for select NTFPs by which the stakeholders get reasonable seasonal income through the collection and sale of beedi leaf, gums ( karaya, thiruman, konda gogu ), stem bark ( narra mamidi ), fleshy corolla ( ippa ), fruits ( karakkaya, kunkudu ), seeds ( chilla, mushti, morli ), etc.
机译:安得拉邦的阿迪拉巴德(Adilabad)是一个落后地区,森林覆盖率为37.72%,有17.08%的少数民族居住,他们使用当地的热带干燥落叶林提取非木材林产品(NTFP)来实现自给自足和经济生存。对阿迪拉巴德区六个森林分区的非木材林产品进行分析。 Adilabad,Bellampalli,Jannaram,Kagaznagar,Mancherial和Nirmal揭示了一方面使用了食用类别的商品,例如野生食用植物,蜂蜜,油,饲料等,以及使用了非食用物品,例如口香糖,树脂,树胶树脂,染料,蜡,紫胶,纤维,薪柴,木炭,围栏材料,扫帚,野生动物产品,竹和手工艺品等原料,除药用植物外。 NTFP多样性显示了人们的认知能力,而提取的产物属于183种开花植物,代表64个科的149属(164个木兰科; 19个百合科)。豆科植物以31个分类单元占据优势,其次是茜草科(11)和大戟科(7)。 NTFP的大多数物种是斑节植物(61%的树木)和土著。安得拉邦政府针对某些非木材林产品制定了采购政策和价格指数,利益相关者可通过收集和出售甜叶,口香糖(卡拉亚,蒂鲁曼,本田果胶),树皮(纳拉马米迪),肉质获得合理的季节性收入。花冠(ippa),水果(karakkaya,kunkudu),种子(chilla,mushti,morli)等



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