首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India >Umbilical Coiling Index Assessment During Routine Fetal Anatomic Survey: A Screening Tool for Fetuses at Risk

Umbilical Coiling Index Assessment During Routine Fetal Anatomic Survey: A Screening Tool for Fetuses at Risk




Background The umbilical cord is the lifeline of the foetus as it supplies water, nutrients, and oxygen. Protection of these blood vessels is needed and provided by Wharton’s Jelly, amniotic fluid and the helical pattern, or coiling, of the umbilical cord vessels. Aim To establish the relationship between antenatal umbilical cord coiling index (aUCI) measured at 18–20?weeks along with level II USG and adverse perinatal outcomes. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 408 antenatal women, enrolled at the time of fetal anatomic survey, and their cord coiling index (aUCI) was measured, and its association with perinatal outcomes was observed. Umbilical coiling index was classified as Hypocoiled if UCI 90th percentile, normocoiled between 10th and 90th percentile. Results 408 antenatal women were enrolled for the study. Mean aUCI was 0.43?±?0.30 (normocoiled group), 0.18?±?0.4 (hypocoiled), and 0.53?±?0.05 (hypercoiled group). The average gestational age at delivery in hypocoiled group was 36.8?±?2.34?weeks, and it was shorter than 38.3?±?1.82?weeks of the normocoiled group and 38.9?±?1.72?weeks of the hypercoiled group. Mean birth weight observed was 2055?±?744 (hypocoiled group), 3049?±?564 (hypercoiled), and 3102?±?564 (normocoiled) p ?0.001. Preterm births 52 (59%) and low birth weight 76 (69%) were significantly associated with hypocoiling. Conclusion Abnormal umbilical cord coiling index, detected at the fetal ultrasound anatomic survey in the second trimester (18–20?weeks), can be used potentially as a screening or as a predictive tool for adverse antenatal or perinatal events.
机译:背景技术脐带是胎儿的生命线,因为它可以提供水,营养和氧气。沃顿商学院的果冻,羊水和脐带血管的螺旋状或盘绕状,都需要对这些血管进行保护。目的建立在18-20周时测量的产前脐带绕卷指数(aUCI)以及II级USG与不良围产期结局之间的关系。方法对408例产前妇女进行横断面研究,在胎儿解剖学调查时纳入研究,并测量她们的脐带卷曲指数(aUCI),并观察其与围产期结局的关系。如果UCI为第90个百分位数,则脐带绕圈指数分类为次螺旋,正常为10个百分位数至第90个百分位数。结果408名产前妇女被纳入研究。平均aUCI为0.43?±?0.30(常冷组),0.18?±?0.4(低线圈)和0.53?±?0.05(超线圈组)。低线圈组的平均分娩胎龄为36.8±2.34周,比正常线圈组的38.3±1.82周和高线圈组的38.9±1.72周要短。观察到的平均出生体重为2055±±744(低线圈组),3049±±564(高线圈)和3102±±564(常温线圈)p <0.001。早产52例(59%)和低出生体重76例(69%)与超低位明显相关。结论在妊娠中期(18-20周)的胎儿超声解剖学检查中发现的脐带缠绕异常,可以潜在地用作筛查或作为不良产前或围产期事件的预测工具。



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