首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection >IgG4-related disease presenting as panuveitis without scleral involvement

IgG4-related disease presenting as panuveitis without scleral involvement




The following case emphasizes the importance of including IgG4-related disease (RD) in the differential diagnosis of intraocular inflammation and multiple cranial nerve palsies. A 33-year-old man, with a history of idiopathic bilateral panuveitis, presented with a new right pupillary-sparing partial third nerve palsy, which spontaneously resolved in 2?weeks, but was followed 1?month later, by a right sixth nerve palsy, which also resolved within a few weeks. Motility disturbance was accompanied by a decrease in the central acuity in the right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging/angiography (MRI/MRA) demonstrated a densely enhancing osteodestructive skull base process extending through the cavernous sinus and into the right superior orbital fissure. Biopsy of the lesion was consistent with IgG4-related disease (RD). This is the first reported case of IgG4-RD associated panuveitis without scleral involvement, expanding the list of clinical manifestations of the IgG4-RD.
机译:以下病例强调了在眼内炎症和多发性颅神经麻痹的鉴别诊断中包括IgG4相关疾病(RD)的重要性。一名33岁的男子,有特发性双侧胰腺炎的病史,出现了新的保留右瞳孔的部分第三神经麻痹,该麻痹在2周内自然消退,但在1周后出现了右第六神经麻痹,也可在几周内解决。运动障碍伴有右眼中心视力下降。磁共振成像/血管造影(MRI / MRA)显示,密实性增强的骨破坏性颅骨基底突突延伸穿过海绵窦并进入右眶上裂。病变的活检与IgG4相关疾病(RD)一致。这是首例无巩膜侵犯的IgG4-RD相关性胰腺炎病例,扩大了IgG4-RD的临床表现。



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