首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Marine Science and Engineering >Geovisualization of Mercury Contamination in Lake St. Clair Sediments

Geovisualization of Mercury Contamination in Lake St. Clair Sediments




The Laurentian Great Lakes of North America contain approximately 20% of the earth’s fresh water. S maller lakes, rivers and channels connect the lakes to the St. Lawrence Seaway, creating an interconnected freshwater and marine ecosystem. The largest delta system in the Great Lakes is located in the northeastern portion of Lake St. Clair. This article focuses on the geovisualization of total mercury pollution from sediment samples that were collected in 1970, 1974 and 2001. To assess contamination patterns, dot maps were created and compared with surfaces that were generated using the kriging spatial interpolation technique. Bathymetry data were utilized in geovisualization procedures to develop three-dimensional representations of the contaminant surfaces. Lake St. Clair generally has higher levels of contamination in deeper parts of the lake, in the dredged shipping route through the lake and in proximity to the main outflow channels through the St. Clair delta. Mercury pollution levels were well above the Probable Effect Level in large portions of the lake in both 1970 and 1974. Lower contaminant concentrations were observed in the 2001 data. Lake-wide spatial distributions are discernable using the kriging technique; however, they are much more apparent when they are geovisualized using bathymetry data.
机译:北美的洛朗山脉大湖含有大约20%的地球淡水。短短的湖泊,河流和河道将湖泊与圣劳伦斯海道相连,形成了一个相互连接的淡水和海洋生态系统。五大湖地区最大的三角洲系统位于圣克莱尔湖的东北部。本文着重于从1970年,1974年和2001年收集的沉积物样品中总汞污染的地理可视化。为评估污染模式,创建了点图并将其与使用克里格空间插值技术生成的表面进行了比较。在地理可视化程序中使用测深数据来开发污染物表面的三维表示。圣克莱尔湖通常在湖泊较深的部分,在穿过湖泊的疏shipping运输路线中以及在通过圣克莱尔三角洲的主要流出通道附近具有较高的污染水平。 1970年和1974年,该湖大部分地区的汞污染水平均远高于“可能的影响水平”。在2001年的数据中观察到较低的污染物浓度。使用克里金法可以分辨出全湖的空间分布。但是,当使用测深数据对它们进行地理可视化时,它们会更加明显。



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