首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Marine Science and Engineering >Algal Community Membership of Estuarine Mudflats from the Savannah River, United States

Algal Community Membership of Estuarine Mudflats from the Savannah River, United States




Algae represent a large and diverse group of photosynthetic organisms inhabiting all aquatic habitats. Although the traditional assessment of algal diversity relies mainly on microscopy-based morphological identification, certain limitations exist. In this study, we present a combined molecular and morphological assessment of algal diversity in mudflats from the Savannah River Estuary, Georgia. High diversity of diatoms was documented, and less than 20% of the algal community was physiologically active at the time of collection. From the total genomic DNA extracted from the field samples and lab isolates, 18S rDNA sequences were PCR amplified, cloned, sequenced, identified, and then compared to the taxa identified via microscopy. Only a few of the DNA sequences matched documented taxa, and the abundance of particular algal species was limited to morphological analysis. Surprisingly, upon examination of the remaining lysis buffer from the mechanical lysis step of algal cells, diatom species were left intact even in the presence of a detergent indicating that the diatom species resistant to lysis could be easily underrepresented. Generation of additional algal sequences data, tied to accurate taxonomic identification, is essential to current environmental sequencing projects and potentially would allow faster acquisition of algal community structure within these unique environments.
机译:藻类代表居住在所有水生生境中的一大类光合生物。尽管传统的藻类多样性评估主要依靠基于显微镜的形态学鉴定,但存在某些局限性。在这项研究中,我们提出了佐治亚州萨凡纳河河口滩涂中藻类多样性的分子和形态学综合评估。硅藻的多样性很高,在收集时不到20%的藻类群落具有生理活性。从现场样品和实验室分离物中提取的总基因组DNA中,对18S rDNA序列进行PCR扩增,克隆,测序,鉴定,然后与通过显微镜鉴定的分类单元进行比较。只有少数DNA序列与记录的分类单元相匹配,并且特定藻类的丰度仅限于形态分析。出人意料的是,在检查藻类细胞机械裂解步骤中剩余的裂解缓冲液后,即使存在去污剂,硅藻物种仍保持完整,这表明耐裂解性的硅藻物种很容易被低估。与准确的生物分类识别相关的其他藻类序列数据的生成对于当前的环境测序项目至关重要,并且有可能允许在这些独特的环境中更快地获取藻类群落结构。



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