首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Protection >Government and Community Involvement in Environmental Protection and Flood Risk Management: Lessons from Keko Machungwa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Government and Community Involvement in Environmental Protection and Flood Risk Management: Lessons from Keko Machungwa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

机译:政府和社区参与环境保护和洪水风险管理:坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆的Keko Machungwa的经验教训



Since the 1960s, most cities in developing countries have faced a high rate of urbanization, which in turn has caused more harm to low-income earners, in urban areas. A majority of low-income earners most often face difficulties in accessing land in planned areas, as a result they are forced to build houses in unplanned settlements that are vulnerable to natural hazards. The situation is worse to the extent that people encroach the most vulnerable areas (hazard lands). As concentration of people increases, these unplanned areas become more unsafe to live in. This is partly due to the risks associated with natural hazards particularly flooding. Further, vulnerability of unplanned settlements in developing countries is aggravated by hosts of problems caused by many factors, including inadequate Government involvement in: environmental protection especially managing hazard lands and helping the community to minimize risks associated with hazards. This paper addresses this issue. It argues that community and Government initiatives are vital to any strategy for flood risk reduction and environmental protection in general. The study employed both the primary and the secondary data sources. Data collection tools and techniques involved in this study included: Checklist to various leaders, interview using questionnaires, focus group discussion, analysis of aerial photographs and non participant observation. A total of 70 households from within Keko Machungwa were interviewed. The study revealed that flooding is largely contributed by construction done by a large scale developer on a water course; and when affected community initiated a strategy to solve the problem they partially succeed due to inadequate support from the Government and other stakeholders. These findings could be useful to strengthen policy and legislation in environmental protection, management and flood control as well as in intervening land use conflicts between local community and developers.
机译:自1960年代以来,发展中国家的大多数城市都面临着很高的城市化速度,这反过来又对城市地区的低收入者造成了更大的伤害。大多数低收入者通常在获得计划区域的土地时面临困难,结果,他们被迫在容易受到自然灾害影响的非计划居住区建造房屋。情况恶化到人们入侵最脆弱的地区(危险地带)的程度。随着人们的集中度的提高,这些计划外地区的居住变得更加不安全。部分原因是与自然灾害(尤其是洪水)相关的风险。此外,许多因素引起的许多问题加剧了发展中国家计划外定居点的脆弱性,这些因素包括政府没有充分参与:环境保护,尤其是对危险土地的管理,以及帮助社区将与危险有关的风险降至最低。本文解决了这个问题。它认为,社区和政府的倡议对于总体上减少洪水风险和环境保护的任何战略都至关重要。该研究使用了主要和次要数据源。这项研究涉及的数据收集工具和技术包括:给各领导者的清单,使用问卷调查进行的访谈,焦点小组讨论,航空照片分析和非参与者观察。采访了Keko Machungwa内部的70户家庭。研究表明,洪水很大程度上是由大型开发商在水道上进行的施工所致。当受影响的社区提出解决问题的策略时,由于政府和其他利益相关者的支持不足,他们部分获得了成功。这些发现可能有助于加强环境保护,管理和防洪方面的政策和立法,以及干预当地社区和开发商之间的土地使用冲突。



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