首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >Knowledge towards Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness among Mothers Who Attend Antenatal Care at Mizan-Aman General Hospital, South West Ethiopia

Knowledge towards Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness among Mothers Who Attend Antenatal Care at Mizan-Aman General Hospital, South West Ethiopia




Background: Birth preparedness and complication readiness is the process of planning for normal birth and anticipating the actions needed in case of an emergency. The risk of a woman dying as a result of pregnancy during her life time is about 1 in 16 in Sub-Saharan countries which pose a huge challenge to meet the fifth millennium development goal to reduce the maternal mortality by 75% between 1990 and 2015. Objective: To assess the knowledge of pregnant women who attend ANC at Mizan-Aman general hospital towards to birth preparedness and complication readiness, 2014. Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted in Mizan- Aman general hospital. Sample was selected by using systematic random sampling in which individuals were chosen at regular interval. The data was collected using interviewer administered questionnaires from total of 350 samples. The analysis was done using statistical package for social science and result of the study was presented using table and graphs. The study was conducted in March 2014. Result: In this study a total of 350 women of reproductive age from Mizan-Aman general hospital were interviewed. Majority of respondents 231 (66%) mentioned at least one key danger sign during pregnancy and 67 (19%) mentioned at least two danger signs. Two hundred sixty three (75%) of our respondents have heard about birth preparedness and complication readiness. Of them 191 (72.2%), 48 (18%) and 24 (9%) heard from health professionals, mass media and family member respectively. Of our respondents 97 (37%), 78 (30%), 56 (21%), and 18 (7%) mentioned birth place & assistance plan, arranging material necessary for safe delivery, identify pregnancy danger signs, and potential blood donor as elements birth preparedness and complication readiness, respectively. Forty nine (14%) of the total reported that as they have faced/were facing obstacle during their birth preparedness and complication readiness practice. On the other side 258 (74%) of the respondents had encouraging factors during their birth preparedness and complication readiness practices. Conclusion and recommendation: Although awareness of the concept of BP/CR was high (66%), recognition of at least two key danger sign in pregnancy was poor (19%). So, it is better if local health offices arrange community based education and empowering women by expanding educational opportunities .
机译:背景:出生准备和并发症准备工作是计划正常生育并预测紧急情况下需要采取的行动的过程。在撒哈拉以南国家,妇女一生中因怀孕而死亡的风险约为16分之一,这对于实现第五个千年发展目标提出了巨大挑战,该目标是在1990年至2015年期间将孕产妇死亡率降低75%。目的:评估2014年在Mizan-Aman总医院参加ANC的孕妇对分娩准备和并发症准备情况的知识。方法:在Mizan-Aman总医院进行基于机构的横断面研究。通过使用系统随机抽样选择样本,其中定期选择个体。使用访调员管理的问卷从总共350个样本中收集数据。使用社会科学统计软件包进行分析,并使用表格和图表显示研究结果。该研究于2014年3月进行。结果:本研究共采访了来自Mizan-Aman总医院的350名育龄妇女。多数受访者231(66%)提到怀孕期间至少一个关键危险标志,而67(19%)提到至少两个危险标志。 263位受访者(75%)听说过分娩准备和并发症准备情况。在卫生专业人员,大众媒体和家庭成员中,分别有191人(占72.2%),48人(占18%)和24人(占9%)。在我们的受访者中,有97位(37%),78位(30%),56位(21%)和18位(7%)提到了出生地点和援助计划,安排了安全分娩所需的材料,确定了妊娠危险迹象以及潜在的献血者分别将出生准备和并发症准备作为要素。总数的四十九(14%)人表示,在他们的备胎和并发症准备工作过程中遇到或正在遇到障碍。另一方面,有258名(74%)的受访者在其备胎和并发症准备过程中具有令人鼓舞的因素。结论和建议:尽管对BP / CR概念的认识很高(66%),但对妊娠中至少两个关键危险信号的认识却很差(19%)。因此,最好是由当地卫生局安排基于社区的教育并通过扩大教育机会来赋予妇女权力。



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