首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >An Overview of Culture to teach EFL through Using Folk Literature: A Sample Case of Nasreddin Hodja

An Overview of Culture to teach EFL through Using Folk Literature: A Sample Case of Nasreddin Hodja

机译:通过使用民间文学来教授EFL的文化概述:Nasreddin Hodja的案例



Folk literature consists of cultural input which is an integrated part of L2 teaching. Traditional literature provides many advantages such as those L2 learners will be better motivated to read cultural familiar stories, and that instructors will better focus on already known vocabulary and cultural implications in the first language (L1). In this perspective, traditional Turkish literature in the stories of Nasreddin Hodja, a ubiquitous cultural figure whose anecdotes are invoked with remarkable frequency by authors, speakers, and people-in-the street alike, has been selected to illustrate how to adjust the cultural requirements of EFL students at various levels Keywords: Cultural awareness, traditional Nasreddin Hodja’s stories; folk literature; skills development
机译:民间文学包括文化投入,这是第二语言教学不可或缺的一部分。传统文学具有许多优势,例如,那些第二语言的学习者将更容易阅读熟悉的文化故事,并且讲师将更好地专注于第一语言(L1)的已知词汇和文化含义。从这个角度来看,选择了Nasreddin Hodja故事中的土耳其传统文学作品,这是一个无处不在的文化人物,其轶事被作者,演说家和街头人士频繁地引用,以说明如何调整文化要求关键词:文化意识,传统的纳斯雷丁·霍贾的故事;民间文学;技术发展



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