首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology >Heavy metal speciation trends in mine slime dams: A case study of slime dams at a goldmine in Zimbabwe

Heavy metal speciation trends in mine slime dams: A case study of slime dams at a goldmine in Zimbabwe




Heavy metal speciation trends in the slime dams at a typical gold mine in Zimbabwe were studied using a six-step sequential extraction technique to give six fractions, namely, the exchangeable, acid soluble, easily reducible, moderately reducible, oxidizable and residual fractions. The elements studied include Cd, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Fe and Mn. Cadmium was found mainly in the acid soluble fraction, and to a lesser extent in the exchangeable and easily reducible fractions. For the other elements, speciation trends within the slime dams appear to depend, in the main, on the stability of metal cyano complexes formed during the cyanide extraction process, and the ease with which the metals co-precipitate with Mn oxides and/or CaCO3. For Fe speciation trends depend mainly on the pH within the slime dam.
机译:使用六步顺序萃取技术研究了津巴布韦典型金矿泥浆坝中重金属的形态变化趋势,得出了六种馏分,即可交换的,酸溶的,易还原的,适度还原的,可氧化的和残留的馏分。研究的元素包括Cd,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Cr,Fe和Mn。镉主要存在于酸溶性馏分中,而次生存在于可交换和易于还原的馏分中。对于其他元素,煤泥坝内的物种形成趋势似乎主要取决于氰化物萃取过程中形成的金属氰基配合物的稳定性,以及金属与Mn氧化物和/或CaCO3共沉淀的难易程度。 。对于铁,形态趋势主要取决于泥浆坝内的pH。



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