首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Application of Problem Based Learning Models to Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

Application of Problem Based Learning Models to Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability




Student problem solving abilities are still low because of the lack of response of students' feedback to the teacher's questions and explanations, and the lack of concentration on mathematics. The cause of the problem is the lack of problem solving abilities of students in mathematics learning, and variations in the application of learning models. This study aims to analyze the effect of the application of problem-based learning models on mathematical problem solving abilities of students at SMAN 7 Padangsidimpuan. The type of experimental research consisted of case groups (problem based learning methods) and controls (question and answer method), with a 2x3 factorial design. The population in the study is the student at class X SMAN 7 as many as three classes with a total of as many as 34 students / class. The research samples were class X-2 and X-3, with random sampling techniques. Techniques in collecting data through tests, observations, and interviews. Statistical analysis was performed using t test analysis. The results showed that the problem-based learning model was better than through the application of direct learning, with the average results of the experimental class students being 80.74 and the control class 68.24. The application of problem-based learning to improve students' problem solving skills can be carried out by teachers in the dual improvement of the quality of education in schools.
机译:学生对问题的解决能力仍然很低,这是因为学生对老师的问题和解释的反馈缺乏回应,并且对数学的关注不足。问题的原因是学生在数学学习中缺乏解决问题的能力,并且学习模型的应用也存在差异。本研究旨在分析基于问题的学习模型对SMAN 7 Padangsidimpuan学生的数学问题解决能力的影响。实验研究的类型包括案例组(基于问题的学习方法)和控件(问答方法),并采用2x3析因设计。研究中的人口是X SMAN 7级的学生,最多三个班级,每班总共34个学生。研究样本为X-2和X-3类,采用随机抽样技术。通过测试,观察和访谈收集数据的技术。使用t检验分析进行统计分析。结果表明,基于问题的学习模型优于直接学习的应用,实验班学生的平均成绩为80.74,对照班学生的平均成绩为68.24。教师可以通过基于问题的学习来提高学生的解决问题的能力,从而提高学校教育质量。



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