首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs >Politics of Anxiety, Politics of Hope: Penal Populism and Duterte’s Rise to Power

Politics of Anxiety, Politics of Hope: Penal Populism and Duterte’s Rise to Power




Citizens who support populist leaders are often portrayed in negative terms. They are disparaged for their prejudice and naiveté, some even earning the label “basket of deplorables” from Hillary Clinton. Rodrigo Duterte’s supporters were not exempted from such criticism. In the 2016 Philippine presidential race, they were pejoratively labelled Dutertards, which pathologised their fervent and unrelenting support for the controversial candidate. This article interrogates such depictions by examining the logics that underpin Duterte’s strong public support. I argue that part of Duterte’s appeal hinges on “penal populism,” built on two political logics that reinforce each other: the politics of anxiety and the politics of hope. While the former foregrounds the language of crisis, danger and uncertainty, the latter reclaims democratic agency. The article examines the articulations of these logics among Duterte’s supporters based on ethnographic fieldwork in disaster-affected communities where Duterte enjoyed decisive victories.
机译:支持民粹主义领导人的公民常常被形容为负面人物。他们因偏见和天真而被贬低,有些人甚至获得了希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的“可悲的篮子”标签。罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)的支持者并未受到这种批评。在2016年的菲律宾总统竞选中,他们被贬义为Dutertards,这使他们对这位有争议的候选人的热情和不懈的支持变得可悲。本文通过研究支持杜特尔特强大公众支持的逻辑来审视此类描述。我认为,杜特尔的吸引力部分取决于“刑事民粹主义”,“刑事民粹主义”建立在两种相互促进的政治逻辑之上:焦虑政治和希望政治。前者着眼于危机,危险和不确定性的语言,而后者则主张民主机构。本文根据杜特尔特享有决定性胜利的受灾社区的人种志田野调查,研究了杜特尔特支持者中这些逻辑的表达。



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