首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business & Financial Affairs >By-product Extraction of a Rationality-based Agency Conflict Index from Selected Credit Unions in Kenya: Introducing the Agency Conflict Discriminant

By-product Extraction of a Rationality-based Agency Conflict Index from Selected Credit Unions in Kenya: Introducing the Agency Conflict Discriminant




For ages, there has not been a mathematical model that measures agency conflict. While all and sundry agree that there may not exist business activities without the concept of agency, little on development of a standard measure of the same has been achieved. This study attempts to develop a quantitative model for agency conflict measurement by utilizing entropy-q rationality model using data from select credit unions in Kenya. Analysis of 47 members and 14 management staff of Stima credit union, 133 members and 16 management staff of Unitas credit union, and 91 members and 16 management staff of Mwalimu National credit union showed overall existence of agency conflict as indicated by the negative value of the rationality difference. The conflict was more severe in Mwalimu National credit union. However, Stima credit union posted a positive agency conflict of 20.64%; on which basis, the regulator may set an appropriate index for the sector financial performance monitoring.
机译:长期以来,一直没有一种数学模型可以衡量代理冲突。尽管所有人和其他人都同意,没有代理的概念就不可能存在商业活动,但是在制定相同标准措施方面却鲜有进展。这项研究试图通过使用熵q合理性模型(使用来自肯尼亚精选信用合作社的数据)来建立代理冲突度量的定量模型。对Stima信用社的47名成员和14名管理人员,Unitas信用社的133名成员和16名管理人员以及Mwalimu National信用社的91名成员和16名管理人员进行了分析,结果显示,代理冲突总体存在,如的负值所示。合理性差异。在姆瓦里木国家信用合作社中,冲突更为严重。但是,斯蒂玛信用合作社公布的代理冲突为20.64%;在此基础上,监​​管机构可以为行业财务绩效监控设定适当的指标。



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