首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation >Reducing Effects of Cross-Talk in a Radio Telescope Using Walsh Modulation

Reducing Effects of Cross-Talk in a Radio Telescope Using Walsh Modulation




Traditional Walsh technique is used to eliminate cross-talk in a array of radio telescope where achieving synchronization between modulator and demodulator without compromising sensitivity is a real challenge. The paper describes a novel approach named Walsh Delay Hunting (WDH) to synchronize independently running modulator and demodulator with no additional hardware. This approach is unique and can easily be implemented in any existing radio telescope with minimal changes, thus by putting Walsh modulator at telescope and demodulation can be done in digital back-end. The scheme greatly reduces antenna electronics and overhead of sending synchronizing Walsh start pulse back to center station and vice versa. The paper describes WDH method and its feasibility study for Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) along with test results. The modulator is a low cost CPLD-based module and demodulation is done in a Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware (ROACH)-based digitizer and packetizer. The scheme ...
机译:传统的沃尔什(Walsh)技术用于消除射电望远镜阵列中的串扰,其中在不影响灵敏度的情况下实现调制器和解调器之间的同步是一个真正的挑战。本文介绍了一种名为Walsh延迟寻线(WDH)的新颖方法,该方法无需额外的硬件即可使独立运行的调制器和解调器同步。这种方法是独特的,并且可以在任何现有的射电望远镜中以最小的更改轻松实现,因此,通过将Walsh调制器放在望远镜上,可以在数字后端进行解调。该方案极大地减少了天线电子设备,并减少了将同步沃尔什起始脉冲发送回中心站的费用,反之亦然。本文介绍了WDH方法及其在巨型米波无线电望远镜(GMRT)中的可行性研究以及测试结果。调制器是基于CPLD的低成本模块,并且解调是在基于可重构开放式架构计算硬件(ROACH)的数字转换器和打包器中完成的。方案 ...



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