首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology >A Comparative Study of Concrete Strength Using Metamorphic, Igneous, and Sedimentary Rocks (Crushed Gneiss, Crushed Basalt, Alluvial Sand) as Fine Aggregate

A Comparative Study of Concrete Strength Using Metamorphic, Igneous, and Sedimentary Rocks (Crushed Gneiss, Crushed Basalt, Alluvial Sand) as Fine Aggregate




A comparative study of the technical and economic performances of hydraulic concretes based on three sands with different geological nature has been investigated in this work. Sand from crushed basalt (SB), sand from crushed gneiss (SG) and sand from the river Sanaga were used for the formulation of these concretes. The formulation of these concretes was carried out according to the method of ‘Dreux-Gorisse’. The results of the analysis show that concrete made from crushed basalt (CSB) has very good mechanical strengths (34 MPa at 28 days) followed by concrete made with alluvial sand (CSS), (24 MPa at 28 days) and finally concrete made from crushed gneiss(CSG), (22 MPa at 28 days). This is due to the fact that basalt is a compact rock, hard, tough and also consists of hard minerals such as olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene. Nevertheless concretes made with these sands are less malleable and have blemishes after stripping due to the angularity and very sharp edges of grains of sand. Fresh concrete (CSS) prepared with river sand is more malleable than the CSB concrete and CSG concrete. Besides the technical aspect, due to the cost of transport and the scarcity of river sand, concretes made with alluvial sand is more costly (49.893 FCFA/m3 of concrete) compared to concretes made with crushed gneiss and basalt costing 47.053 FCFA and 46.854 FCFA/m3 , respectively. In view of these results, it is therefore possible to replace river sand with quarry sands in the production of concrete and then reduce the environmental problems generated by the overconsumption of alluvial sand.
机译:在这项工作中,对基于三种地质性质不同的三种砂的水工混凝土的技术和经济性能进行了比较研究。这些混凝土使用了玄武岩碎石(SB),片麻岩碎石(SG)和沙那加河(Sanaga)的沙子。这些混凝土的配制按照“ Dreux-Gorisse”的方法进行。分析结果表明,碎玄武岩(CSB)制成的混凝土具有非常好的机械强度(28天时34 MPa),其次是冲积砂(CSS)制成的混凝土(28天时24 MPa),最后由压碎的片麻岩(CSG)(28天时为22 MPa)。这是由于玄武岩是一种致密,坚硬,坚硬的岩石,还由诸如橄榄石,斜长石,斜柏石等坚硬矿物组成。然而,用这些砂制成的混凝土由于砂粒的棱角和非常锋利的边缘而具有较低的延展性并且在剥离后具有污点。用河砂制成的新鲜混凝土(CSS)比CSB混凝土和CSG混凝土更具延展性。除技术方面外,由于运输成本和河砂的稀缺性,相比用碎麻片和玄武岩制成的混凝土成本分别为47.053 FCFA和46.854 FCFA /,由冲积砂制成的混凝土成本更高(49.893 FCFA / m3混凝土)。 m3。鉴于这些结果,因此在混凝土生产中可以用with石砂代替河砂,然后减少由冲积砂的过度消费所引起的环境问题。



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