首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology >Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Associated with Fresh and Smoked Fish (Clarias gariepinus) In Minna Metropolis, Niger State. Nigeria

Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Associated with Fresh and Smoked Fish (Clarias gariepinus) In Minna Metropolis, Niger State. Nigeria

机译:尼日尔州明纳大都会与新鲜和熏制鱼(Clarias gariepinus)有关的细菌的分离和鉴定。奈及利亚



An in-vitro assay was conducted to ascertain and identify major bacterial contaminants of fish, which hitherto had constituted an imported dietary intake of the people of Minna Metropolis, Nigeria. Fresh and smoked fish samples were collected from three different markets, the bacterial load of the samples was determined using the pour plate method. Identification and characterization of various isolates were based on gram-staining technique and biochemical tests. Clarias gariepinus was used for the study. In-vitro assay result revealed that the samples were contaminated by six bacteria species, which include Staphilococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphilococcus epidermis, Salmonella epidermis, Salmonella typhii, Streptococcus spp. and Shigella sp. The mean bacterial load for the fresh fish was 1.84 x 106 cfu/ ml. and for the smoked fish 2.06 x 106 cfu/ ml.
机译:进行了一项体外测定,以确定和鉴定鱼类的主要细菌污染物,迄今为止,这些污染物已构成尼日利亚明纳大都会人民的饮食进口。从三个不同的市场收集新鲜和熏制的鱼样品,使用倾倒板法确定样品的细菌载量。各种分离物的鉴定和表征均基于革兰氏染色技术和生化测试。 Clarias gariepinus用于研究。体外检测结果表明,样品被金黄色葡萄球菌,枯草芽孢杆菌,表皮葡萄球菌,表皮沙门氏菌,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,链球菌等6种细菌污染。和志贺氏菌鲜鱼的平均细菌载量为1.84 x 106 cfu / ml。熏鱼2.06 x 106 cfu / ml。



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