首页> 外文期刊>JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings >Recognizing Art Style Automatically in Painting with Deep Learning

Recognizing Art Style Automatically in Painting with Deep Learning




The artistic style (or artistic movement) of a painting is a rich descriptor that captures both visual and historical information about the painting. Correctly identifying the artistic style of a paintings is crucial for indexing large artistic databases. In this paper, we investigate the use of deep residual neural to solve the problem of detecting the artistic style of a painting and outperform existing approaches to reach an accuracy of $62%$ on the Wikipaintings dataset (for 25 different style). To achieve this result, the network is first pre-trained on ImageNet, and deeply retrained for artistic style. We empirically evaluate that to achieve the best performance, one need to retrain about 20 layers. This suggests that the two tasks are as similar as expected, and explain the previous success of hand crafted features. We also demonstrate that the style detected on the Wikipaintings dataset are consistent with styles detected on an independent dataset and describe a number of experiments we conducted to validate this approach both qualitatively and quantitatively.
机译:绘画的艺术风格(或艺术运动)是丰富的描述符,可以捕获有关绘画的视觉和历史信息。正确识别绘画的艺术风格对于索引大型艺术数据库至关重要。在本文中,我们研究了深度残差神经的使用,以解决检测绘画的艺术风格的问题,并优于现有方法,在Wikipaintings数据集上(针对25种不同样式)的准确性达到$ 62%$。为了获得这个结果,首先在ImageNet上对网络进行预训练,然后对艺术风格进行深度训练。我们根据经验评估,要获得最佳性能,需要重新培训约20层。这表明这两个任务与预期的相似,并说明了手工制作功能以前的成功。我们还证明了在Wikipaintings数据集上检测到的样式与在独立数据集上检测到的样式一致,并描述了我们进行的大量实验以定性和定量验证该方法。



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