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An explicit analysis of the entropic penalty in linear programming




Solving linear programs by using entropic penalization has recently attracted new interest in the optimization community, since this strategy forms the basis for the fastest-known algorithms for the optimal transport problem, with many applications in modern large-scale machine learning. Crucial to these applications has been an analysis of how quickly solutions to the penalized program approach true optima to the original linear program. More than 20 years ago, Cominetti and San Martín showed that this convergence is exponentially fast; however, their proof is asymptotic and does not give any indication of how accurately the entropic program approximates the original program for any particular choice of the penalization parameter. We close this long-standing gap in the literature regarding entropic penalization by giving a new proof of the exponential convergence, valid for any linear program. Our proof is non-asymptotic, yields explicit constants, and has the virtue of being extremely simple. We provide matching lower bounds and show that the entropic approach does not lead to a near-linear time approximation scheme for the linear assignment problem.
机译:通过使用熵惩罚来求解线性程序最近在优化社区中引起了新的兴趣,因为该策略构成了针对最优运输问题的最快已知算法的基础,并在现代大规模机器学习中得到了许多应用。对于这些应用而言,至关重要的是分析惩罚程序的解决方案有多快地向原始线性程序逼近真正的最优值。 20多年前,Cominetti和SanMartín证明,这种融合速度是指数级的。但是,它们的证明是渐近的,并且不能说明熵程序对于惩罚参数的任何特定选择如何近似于原始程序。通过提供指数收敛的新证明(对于任何线性程序均有效),我们弥合了有关熵惩罚的文献中这个长期存在的空白。我们的证明是非渐近的,产生显式常数,并且具有极其简单的优点。我们提供了匹配的下界,并表明熵方法不会导致线性分配问题的近似线性时间近似方案。



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