首页> 外文期刊>Zoosystematics and Evolution >Reproduction and development of the asian bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769) (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) in captivity

Reproduction and development of the asian bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769) (Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) in captivity

机译:在人工饲养下繁殖和发展亚洲青铜色羽背Not Notopterus notopterus(Pallas,1769)(Osteoglossiformes,Notopteridae)



Experimental data demonstrate that the environmental factors decreasing conductivity, slight variation of temperature, and water level have no influence on gonad development or courtship behavior in Notopterus notopterus. Spawning occurs during day time at a temperature of 25–28 °C. Newly spawned 3.8–4 mm adhesive eggs are guarded by the male until hatching. The egg envelope has external spiraling ridges, which are centered round the micropyle. Hatching occurs within 168–204 hours depending on temperature and even with some variability at 27°C constant incubation temperature. Exogenous feeding then starts on day 17 with a total length of 16.2 mm and yolk-sac remnants still present. The larval period lasts until day 36. Dark brown stripes appear on the body as one of the characteristic pigment patterns of juvenile N. notopterus at day 70 with a total length of around 34 mm, replacing the dotted pigment pattern of larvae and early juveniles. Later again a spectacular color change to uniformly gold-bronze coloration occurs. The genital papilla can macroscopically be recognized at day 80. Sexual maturity of N. notopterus in captivity as indicated by courtship behavior is first observed in 30-month old specimens of both sexes of the F1 generation with a total length of around 275 mm in males and 230 mm in females, whereas this might occur at smaller size in the P generation and in natural environment. Generally, in N. notopterus the embryonic period lasts longer and the onset of the larval period starts much delayed as compared to a typical indirect or saltatory development. The larval period before onset of the juvenile period with its spectacular color changes, shows few discernible stages of morphological development. It is immediately a pterygiolarva with the jaws, branchial arches, most fins differentiated, a distinct pigmentation pattern and the mouth opened during the embryonic and free embryonic phases.
机译:实验数据表明,环境因素降低了电导率,温度的细微变化和水位对Notopterus notopterus的性腺发育或求爱行为没有影响。产卵发生在白天,温度为25–28°C。雄性会保护新产的3.8–4毫米粘性卵直至孵化。卵壳有外部螺旋状的脊,其围绕小孔居中。孵化发生在168–204小时内,具体取决于温度,甚至在27°C的恒定孵育温度下也会有所变化。然后在第17天开始外源喂养,总长度为16.2 mm,卵黄囊残留物仍然存在。幼虫期一直持续到第36天。在第70天,黑褐色条纹作为不夜蛾少年的典型色素模式之一出现,总长约34 mm,取代了幼虫和早期幼虫的虚线色素模式。后来又发生了惊人的颜色变化,变成了均匀的金青铜色。可以在第80天从宏观上识别出生殖器的乳头。由求爱行为表明,圈养猪not的性成熟首先是在30个月大的F1代性别的标本中观察到的,男性的全长约为275 mm在雌性中为230毫米,而在P代和自然环境中可能较小。一般而言,与典型的间接或盐碱发育相比,在新翅鱼中,胚胎期持续更长的时间,而幼虫期的开始则大大延迟了。在幼年期开始之前的幼虫期,其颜色发生了惊人的变化,几乎没有可辨认的形态发育阶段。立即形成翼状lar肉,其下颚,branch弓,大多数鳍分化,明显的色素沉着模式以及在胚胎期和游离胚胎期张开嘴巴。



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